On Sep 13, 2008, at 6:13 PM, sparaig wrote:

Then maybe you can explain this:

McCain threw out the first pitch in Game 7 of the 2001 World Series:

Remarkable recovery, wasn't it?  Not to mention the
fact that McCain got those injuries as an adult, and
undoubtedly got excellent therapy, as well as the
emotional benefit of large doses of sympathy from
friends and family, while  Obama was born black into a
hostile "white" world.  There's little doubt
in my mind who has overcome the greater handicap.

I suspect Obama would want to avoid a pissing contest about who suffered more in his life...

Mind-reading, Lawson?  And I didn't realize he was a member
of FF Life.  Whatever he may or may not want, doesn't mean
others can't speculate on either his or McCain's situation.  Kind of
goes with the territory when you decide to become a public


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