> Christina does James Brown proud. Thanks.

I was surprised she did it actually.

 The song focuses on a man's
> role as provider and protector of women. What makes it all worthwhile
> is a man's love for a woman, his muse, his inspiration to succeed in
> life. It's a beautiful sentiment, but still misses the point.

I know, James Brown is not completely enlightened to feminist
doctrines, who knew?


 "Misogyny is hate and > violence toward women
By definition.

 born of language meant to diminish, objectify
> and keep women subservient." 

Here you are equating Misogyny and sexism.  I do not agree.  But if I
was a woman, I would probably be the first to notice language that
diminished me in any way.   The truth is that guys fuck with each
other all the time in this way, sexist language is only one form.  It
is monkey politics and men rate each other.  Touchy guys get low
marks.  And women have their own version.  I live in an area with a
high number of powerful women bosses in the Tech field.  They run
power games with the best of the men.  That's how they go to the top.

 Bagging on women who dare object to
> language that engenders violence toward women as a bunch of whiners,
> makes my point.

I can't speak to that since I don't believe I have done that.  My
original point is that the most important thing to me about Sara Palin
is not the sexist language used in some articles. It's that she might
conceivable become the most powerful person in the world and we know
very little about her.  When I mentioned that I suspicious of her
religious beliefs Judy equated it with sexism/misogyny.  SHe also
seems to equate these terms.   

 The dismissive attitude toward me personally, on this
> site that I'm ranting about sexism because I'm on the rag and should
> just shut up and get you a beer from the fridge, makes my point.

Most of those quotes come from guys who where actually joking about
the kind of guy who would say those things.  Ever watch Saturday Night
Live?  Similar concept. Coming in with the assumption that you are not
talking to intelligent men who are familiar with the concepts of
feminism and have given it a bit of thought will earn you the
raspberry.  Same with people who think that no one here has cracked a
spiritual book.

> have been called stupid and have had my gender questioned for having
> strong opinions, which makes my point. 

You got goofed on for coming in conveying superiority.  It rubbed me
the wrong way too.  With time I saw more of the person behind the
bluster.  When you come into a group like this it is tough and it
takes some time to find your way.  I did too.  We come in with more
defenses and projecting a protected persona. In time you learn when it
is needed and when it is not and you can relax a bit.  You might even
come to the point of believing that everyone here doesn't need to be
straightened out.

I'm surprised Judy has not been> run off the reservation by now.

Judy LOVES it here. LOVES it LOVES it.  Over time you may see that she
is dishing it out as much as she is taking it.  If one post is
harmonious and another provides an opportunity for a verbal battle,
she will pick the battle every time.  It is a strong preference, just
look at the numbers.  

 Note to any woman who wants to post
> here: Have a tough hide, ignore the insults and read "Misogyny bares
> its teeth on internet."

The solution is to post on all women groups.  They may see it your
way.  A previous post of mine was about male culture, and it was not a
refutation that guys use sexist language as a power tool.  I was just
pointing out that this may not mean it reveals misogyny.  Guys are
just as rough with each other, constantly probing to find the weak
spot to exploit.  Monkey politics are the real bitch.  So I can see
that there is a bit of a boy's club here, but I can name some women
who have found their way here without some of the flack you received.
 Sal is one.  Ruth was one and she didn't seem to have any problem
with the male culture, and I can't remember anyone using any sexist
language.  It wasn't her hot button and guys had no trouble treating
her as an equal.  That means that people challenged her assertions
just as they do with any man here.  She didn't get special treatment
either way as a women.

So if your point is that all the men here should be different from how
they are, you will have a tough time.  I think you are conflating
sexism with misogyny, and that causes a lot of problems.  I don't
believe this is any more sexist than any other group of men I have
interacted with, in fact it is less than most. 

And I don't believe that there is any case for misogyny here.  That
seems like an extreme misread. Most of the men are familiar with
feminist POV but many of us don't buy all its claims.  For example I
don't believe there is a connection between guys who treat the women
in their life well making a comment about Sara Palin's looks
contributes to criminals raping women.  Many men here have dated or
married women from other cultures.  We are shaped by their attitudes
about what feminism means, where they agree and disagree with American

So if you really believe that people here hate women, I can't imagine
why you would want to stick around.  But if you think that it is an
interesting group of people willing to share ideas, it can be a
resource.  It has been for me.  You can discuss your POV about
feminism without pulling the move of making it a personal attack,
proving that the guys here are bad and need a scolding.

I thought your post goofing on me using all the terms from previous
posts was very creative and funny. Thanks for the rap.  I hope you
stick around.
> >  Instead of a substantive discussion, it's easier to
> > > dismiss women as just a bunch of whiners who can't get their shit
> > > together so they should just shut up about it. Dehumanize Vietnamese
> > > as "gooks" then kill them. Call a man the "N" word then burn a cross
> > > on his lawn. Spit on a Jew wearing a yellow arm-band. Say she's a
> > > bitch who wants it, then rape her.  Misogyny is hate and violence
> > > toward women born of language meant to diminish, objectify and keep
> > > women subservient. If you miss the point of misogyny, it's just that
> > > much easier to blacken a woman's eye. By the way, Hillary did
not fail
> > > miserably.
> > >
> >

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