Last night I had a weird experience where I layed in bed and all knowledge came to me and I was enlightened.  It lasted about fifteen minutes. I experienced perfect and complete shunyata. I understood how the dualism of the mind creates the rainbow body. Because the light extends to the dark and in that process the prism of the elements is created. How total shunyata cuts through all ignorance immediately. My breathing was so slow that it reversed. This was the most interesting thing. My breathing reversed and the inbreath became the outbreath and vice versa. And at that moment my body started to dissolve from within.  At that moment there was total certainty of reaching the goal of enlightenment.  How come myself amongst all people? I saw past lives of service to humanity which extended back beyond my ability to recall. To the degree that there would be no way in this life that I could upset the balance of merit regardless of my present action. Or at least, given my present tendencies. I understood all mantras.  The patterns of my mind which had previously  been self sustaining collapsed and if I could have stayed there for very long then all of my experience would have evaporated into itself.
And then because the experience was so sure I said, screw it, and just got out of bed, and of course the surety of the experience faded. I wrote this, so I am posting it. For your benefit. You know who you are. I would like to thank Guru Rinpoche. I would not have 'gotten it' without him. And for some reason Yamantaka. I merely saw the Yamataka mantra and some realizations began. It's kind of weird.  I should just erase this as opposed to be subject to criticism. But oh well, I never erased any of my more stupid posts so here goes. Enjoy.
----- Original Message -----
From: TurquoiseB
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 3:22 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lenz -- Sex and Business Practices / Ethics

> > The way that can be spoken is not the Constant Way.
> > isn't something you can describe, so why try?
> It's fun!
> ------I can describe it but you won't understand or like my

I try to stay out of discussions about "what is enlightenment,"
attempts to *define* it in words.  That, to me, is a classic
waste of time.

What is not necessarily a waste of time to me is the attempt
to do some kind of justice to one's personal, subjective
experience of certain steps along the path of realizing
enlightenment.  Those can be interesting for the person doing
it, because trying to express the inexpressible can be a means
of clarifying one's own personal experience.  The descriptions
might also resonate with someone who has had a similar exper-
ience, and who might not have described it in those terms.

An example that springs to mind was the attempt by Marek and
Dr. Pete and others to clarify an aspect of the first onset
of enlightenment, and whether it (enlightenment) can be said
to "appear."

That struck me as interesting, because it wasn't really an
attempt to define enlightenment per se, merely one's percep-
tion of an enlightenment experience, in contrast to a
"normal" perception before enlightenment "appeared" (or, as
was the topic of conversation, before the illusion that it
had not always been present disappeared).


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