On Sep 29, 2008, at 12:56 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

Thank you for your information on the EEG High-Amplitude Gamma
coherence. An interesting approach to measuring states of
consciousness. However, there are still many TM practitioners,
thousands, who for whatever reason we know nothing about with
regards to their state of consciousness (nor does the TMO).

To proclaim the things you are saying as facts is stretching it, and
is an indication of your bias, vs. a valid representation.

I am not arguing with your point of view, nor am I saying that you
must prove it. However, given what you are presenting, all I
continue to see is bias, not facts.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but the fact is is there currently is no scientific verification of samadhi or CC in TMers. It would be great if there was, but I'm afraid there simply is not. This is not bias, just the facts of science.

If it's any consolation, the Maharishi claimed that Bevan Morris was enlightened. Hey, at least that's something.

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