Ms. Enlightened:

On Sep 29, 2008, at 9:57 AM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

with all respect, Mr. Vaj, you appear to be stretching the facts to
fit your own bias. You use words like "largely" and "Many" and "none
of which", and associate enlightenment among TM practitioners as

No, I base it on my direct experience of many such claimants, from Robin Woodsworth Carlson in the 80's, up to the present and the large discrepancy between actual jivan-mukti / turiyatita realizers and these claimants.

You're new to the list so unfortunately you missed a lot of the ravers.

This post of yours seems more about confirming your bias, which
appears to be that you don't care for TM (fair enough), than sharing
any actual information.

Just the facts, take 'em or leave 'em, I really could care less Dawn.

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