On Sep 30, 2008, at 3:20 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

> We become a living embodiment of pure consciousness, and then what
> is there to measure?

Sorry to break into your flake-fest here Ms. Enlightened--and not to  
belabor the point--but as long as the physical body remains you cannot  
negate the physical.

 From my POV "pure consciousness" is an illusion and construct  
projected into and onto awareness by the natural "refresh rate" of our  

I don't make the mistake of thinking of it as "real" or even  

> From the tops of our heads to the tips of our
> toes, we are pure consciousness, living and breathing. So we can
> measure absolutely anything about ourselves once having reached this
> state of grace, the Tao, pure consciousness revealed, and it shows
> us what?

Well presumably if you really had this "experience" you'd have had the  
experiential vision of all the experiences contained in the collective  
wheels of energies in the human microcosm.

Is that your claim?

> That the physical correlations to one established in infinity are
> infinite.

Oh puleeze. Save it for Oprah.

> If we are not established in the Tao, or Being, measuring the bodily
> operation of one who is offers us no help us at all. These attempts
> by scientists to discover physical correlates to one who is
> established in pure consciousness, in Being, only keep the mind
> busy, nothing more.

Ah, so you negate the physical. Another fundamental error in you View.

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