Steve Diamond's story proves that Obama tried to cover up his
relationship with Ayers and lied when he said Ayers was just a guy
"living in my neighborhood." Whenever an occasional Obamabot admits
Obama was friends with Ayers, it doesn't seem to diminish adoration
for The One. I'm amazed that Obamabots think it's OK if Obama has
associated with anti-American radicals his entire life. Well, it
matters to me and a whole lot of people who feel anyone who couldn't
get a FBI security clearance, should not set foot in the White House. 

The media has protected Obama and has utterly failed to vet him.
Whenever the truth about his past starts to come out he either plays
the race card or says it's a swiftboat attack in order to suppress the
facts, as if telling the truth is a forbidden practice in the media. 

John Kerry was in fact swiftboated because the Republicans lied about
his service. Telling the truth about Obama's past is not a smear or a
"Swiftboat" attack. Telling the truth is not a smear. Lying is a smear. 

More than anyone else has attempted, Steve Diamond has thoroughly
researched this story in an effort to find the truth and be factually


"NY Times Confirms Ayers' Role in Obama Appointment as Chair of the
Chicago Annenberg Challenge" by Steve Diamond 10/04/08

I can easily understand why some readers may have become confused by
the explosion of stories today on the Obama/Ayers relationship.

The partial story of the Ayers/Obama relationship told by the New York
Times today is collapsing of its own weight but has likely added to
the confusion. Since I am one of the "bloggers" referred to without an
explanation in the Times' story I thought I would summarize the top
ten highlights of the current state of play.  

It turns out as these ten key points confirm what I have argued all
along - that Bill Ayers was responsible for the elevation of Obama to
the Chicago Annenberg Challenge board and the New York Times reporting
on this story actually supports my conclusion, though inadvertently.

1) The key question is whether Bill Ayers had a role in the selection
of Barack Obama to become Chairman and President of the $160 million
Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a multi year school reform effort started
in 1995.

2) This is the key question because if it is true that Ayers played a
role in Obama's selection it indicates that Ayers and Obama had a
pre-existing relationship.

3) If Ayers and Obama did have a pre-existing relationship it
undermines claims by the Obama Campaign that the relationship between
Ayers, an authoritarian political figure who once engaged in bombings
to implement his politics, was "tenuous" or "casual" and that Ayers
was just a neighbor of Obama's in Hyde Park.

4) I believe that Obama and Ayers shared a similar world view with
respect to education issues, at least. For example, during their time
together running the Chicago Annenberg Challenge they supported
funding for groups like the Small Schools Workshop and Local School
Councils. These groups were criticized as engaging in "teacher
bashing"  by union activists and as a "political threat" to school
principals by Arnold Weber, a fellow Annenberg board member.

5) I have presented evidence here at Global Labor that Ayers did in
fact play a direct and personal role in Obama's elevation to the CAC
board. This evidence consists of letters exchanged at the time of
these events between the national Annenberg Challenge led by Vartan
Gregorian, the President of Brown University, and Bill Ayers, on the
one hand, and between Gregorian and Adele Simmons, President of the
MacArthur Foundation, an advisor to Ayers, on the other. 

Those letters state clearly that Ayers was actively engaged in the
board selection process in November and December of 1994.

I described those letter to the Times when asked about this and
provided them copies.

6) I also argued that these letters are consistent with the legal
responsibility Ayers had as the representative of the recipient of the
$50 million Annenberg Challenge grant.

7) According to the Obama campaign and now according to emails I have
received from the New York Times, Ayers had "nothing" to do with the
selection of Obama for the board Chairmanship. 

They claim that according to Deborah Leff and Patricia Graham that
only Leff and Graham recruited and nominated Obama, respectively.
However, in their published story the Times did not quote Leff to that
effect. Neither did the Obama campaign in its statement on the matter.
I have asked the Times for clarification.

8) If Leff and Graham current recollection is true then the written
contemporaneous documentation I provided to the Times (letters to and
from Vartan Gregorian and Ayers) appears to be contradicted and this
leads to a very odd conclusion: that Leff, a lawyer, and Graham went
around the back of the legal representative of the Chicago Annenberg
Challenge (Ayers) to recruit and nominate the CAC board Chairman (Obama).

Why would they have done that? In fact, I do not think they did.

9) In August of 1994, Leff wrote a letter to Brown's Gregorian lauding
Bill Ayers for his leadership in organizing the grant application and
said that her Joyce Foundation was awarding $80,000 to his Annenberg
working group, the Chicago School Reform Collaborative, to continue
their work to secure and establish the Annenberg program. This
Collaborative was the group which Ayers represented when he submitted
the final Annenberg grant application in November.

Thus, as of August, 1994, Leff's Joyce Foundation also recognized
officially that Ayers was the formal agent for the Chicago Annenberg
Challenge applicant, the Collaborative, and they were financially
aiding him in that effort.

In addition, letters from the Governor of Illinois, the Mayor of
Chicago, the Superintendent of the Chicago school system, the
Executive Director of the Woods Fund, the Executive Director of the
Polk Bros. Foundation, the Chancellor of the University of Illinois at
Chicago, and the Council of Chicago Area Deans of Education all sent
to Vartan Gregorian acknowledge the leading role of Ayers and/or the
Collaborative he formed in the formation of the Annenberg Challenge.

10) To accept the story 14 years later of the Times and the Obama
campaign requires us to conclude that Leff, unilaterally against her
own board of directors (which in November added Obama), went around
the back of Bill Ayers to impose on him secretly Barack Obama as the
chair of the Annnenberg Challenge! That is a remarkable conclusion -
and of course one that is not yet backed up by Leff herself!

Why not? Most likely because Leff as a lawyer understands now as she
did then that whatever her personal role in the selection process, the
legal power that Ayers possessed, as the agent of the CAC grant
recipient - the Collaborative, to either reject or accept Obama as CAC
Board Chairman was clear.

Thus, while Ayers may not have suggested the Obama name directly to
Leff, only Ayers could approve of the appointment of Obama. No one
else possessed the legal power to do so.

At their November meeting together, Ayers may have delegated to Leff,
Ayers and Simmons the task of recruiting a pool of potential board
candidates but only he could give the final approval - a condition of
the Collaborative's receipt of the grant, as set forth in the exchange
of letters between Gregorian and Ayers. 

There are any number of ways that Ayers could have gotten Obama's name
into the mix.

For example, how did Leff think of Obama? Perhaps because Ayers had
suggested his name to Simmons - an old friend of Leff's from their
days at Princeton - who passed it on to Leff without telling Leff that
the name came from Ayers. Perhaps because Ayers had first suggested
Obama to Leff for the Joyce Foundation board earlier in 1994 and then
it occurred to Leff that Ayers would approve of Obama for the CAC as

Or perhaps when Ayers asked Leff to help with the selection process he
provided her with clear guidance on the kind of board chair he wanted:
someone young, dynamic, a lawyer, with a background of supporting the
CAC agenda of school reform, and someone who represented, as committed
by Ayers to Gregorian, the racial and ethnic diversity of Chicago.
There were actually very few, if any, such individuals in Chicago
other than Barack Obama, in light of the hostility of mainstream black
organizations to the CAC agenda.

Or perhaps Leff, Simmons and Graham came up with several names and
only when Obama's was finally mentioned did Ayers grant his approval.

It does not really matter how Obama's name got into the mix because in
the end only Ayers had the legal authority to approve of Obama,
whether or not Leff, Simmons and Graham understood that, much less the
New York Times. Only if the Collaborative had revoked Ayers power to
represent them, could that have changed. Of course, the opposite
happened - they made Ayers co-chair and he represented the
Collaborative at the board meetings of the CAC itself once it was
established in March, 1995. 

Actually, the Times indirectly confirms this explanation when it
quoted Ben Labolt that Ayers and Obama met for lunch, after Obama met
with Graham.  Since LaBolt says this was the "first time" Ayers and
Obama met, this lunch must have taken place before the CAC's first
board meeting in March of 1995. Although it is undoubtedly true that
Ayers and Obama met long before this, that is legally sufficient
evidence under basic agency law principles that Ayers approved of
Obama as the board chair.

[Of course, the Times refused to discuss the written record that fills
in this story, apparently because they did not understand what they
were looking at (unless one wants to conclude that they are operating
as part of the Obama campaign).]

To test this proposition, ask what would have happened if Ayers, as
the legal agent of the CAC grant recipient had said after that lunch,
no, I do not want this person for the board? Leff, Graham and Simmons
would have had no choice but to go back to the drawing board. They
were only agents of Bill Ayers, the legal representative of the
Collaborative, for the purpose of recruiting potential board members.
They had no legally cognizable ability to impose a choice on Ayers and
the Collaborative. This is true no matter what Graham or others may
have thought when they told the Times that Ayers was not involved.

The individual with the legal power to overrule a decision is the
person with the actual decision making authority.  

That was Bill Ayers and his decision was: Barack Obama.

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