On Oct 14, 2008, at 12:21 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Obama & Friends: Judge Not?

Convicted felon Tony Rezko.

His dealings with the guy had nothing to do with Rezko's illegal
activities.  All politicians take contributions from some people who
may later turn out to commit crimes. They work with the support they
can get and try to stay out of the mud.  Could Obama have been more
forthcoming about all his dealings with the guy?  Sure. He tried to
spin it too hard. I don't know of any politician who is gunna get away
perfectly clean on this one.

Unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.

I'm getting a little sick of this one.  Am I the only one here who
opposed our immoral interference in Vietnam's civil war?  What exactly
should Ayers be repentant for?  He didn't hurt anybody and made his
point.  Did he make a black scorch mark on the Pentagon? Am I also the
only one who remembers the evil symbol that building was for all the
runaway madness of the times?  We were being lied to about the war for
years by our presidents!  I have always been a nonviolent protest kind
of guy, but I sure do understand why someone like Ayers was moved to
take more drastic action.  And calling him a "terrorist" is a nice
spin attempt, but I don't see it that way.  He was reminding the US to
STOP acting like terrorists on steroids in South East Asia.  I live
near a large Vietnamese community and have heard many first hand
accounts of what we were up to over there on our divine mission.  It
involved a lot of babies on fire.  So demonizing a guy for protesting
that war and like a lot of young people getting carried away with it,
doesn't cut it for me.  I love the US that doesn't light babies on
fire.  Is that too much to ask?  I wish he had done more to wake up
our nation too.  I am glad he didn't hurt anyone and don't approve if
he intended to.  Our government was lying to us about the war and some
people knew it.  I am real clear about the issues at stake back then.
 Doesn't anyone else still cares about how our country acted in South
East Asia?  Take a Vietnamese person around 50-80 years old out to
dinner sometime.  Learn about the other side of our war's effects on
the people we were claiming to save.  Our amnesia about those times
may be one of the reason we all lay down for Bush/ Cheney's insanity
in Iraq.

The dead giveaway in the Ayers boondoggle is the word "terrorist". As I recall the 60's protest crowd, someone like Ayers would have been called an "Anti-War activist or radical", not a terrorist. It's such a blatant misuse of that word, much like the Bush administration uses it, as a thought-stopper. The implication is of course Obama the sub rosa Islamic Terrorist who wants to be president.

In the psychology of lies it's unimportant if the truth behind the lie is found out, as long as it can be presented to the masses, it will reek damage even when exposed as a lie. It's one of the reasons negative campaigning works for a certain percentage of voters.

<And the race-baiting Rev. Jeremiah Wright. >

If you can't understand the feelings Wright was expressing then you
need to crack a book is all I can say.  And if you think black people
should just shut up now cuz everything is fine for them today, then
you just might need a black friend.  I can arrange this for a small
fee.  My rent-a-black-friend service will pair up white people, who do
not live in diverse communities, with a "person of color" who will lay
down for you what made the congregation in Wright's church say "Amen!"
 You might also learn why a black man like Obama, raised by a white
woman, might want a bit of pew time to learn more about other black
American's experiences while he paid lip service to a dead Jew.

<It is hard to think of any presidential candidate before Barack Obama
sporting associations with three more execrable characters.>

Uh, how about John McCain with G. Gordon Liddy and Charles Keating.

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