--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jonathan Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> BTW Rachel, a graduate of Stanford, was the first openly GLBT person
to win a Rhodes Scholarship.  She has a D.Phil in politics from Oxford.

I find it a pleasure to watch her in action discussing the [usually]
political topics of he day. What a fresh, insightful and articulate

Here she is when she appeared  on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
(10/09/2008): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7p_s53zkDI

> --- On Sat, 10/18/08, do.rflex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: do.rflex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] NYT Visits and Interviews Rachel Maddow at Home
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 10:03 PM
> Rachel Maddow, host of left-leaning chat shows on Air America Radio
> and MSNBC, both named "The Rachel Maddow Show", spends downtime in
an 1865 house in western Massachusetts.
> Biggest misconception about pundits: That we all hang out together. I
> don't know any of these people. Maybe all the pundits are hanging out
> and not inviting me.
> Worst thing about job: My self-doubt that this is a worthy thing to
> contribute to the world. It's fun, but I worry that it is
> Her 190-mile commute: It's an opportunity for me to turn my brain off.
> My apartment in New York is only 275 square feet. So just being able
> to stretch out is great.
> Always on her: A handkerchief. One of my liabilities as a broadcaster
> is that I am little teary. Having a handkerchief is handy. My partner,
> Susan Mikula, buys me cute ones.
> Worst thing about Obama: He's measured to a fault. He is so calm and
> cool and collected that sometimes I want to know what he feels.
> Best thing about McCain: He's very funny.
> Morning routine: I arrive in Massachusetts around 2 a.m. Saturday. I
> wake up so that I can put the trash and recycling together and get it
> to the dump, which closes at 11 a.m. Me and the dog go to the dump.
> Then we drive to a sheep farm and I let the dog look at the sheep.
> Gadget she can live without: We have no television. Susan wants to buy
> one, but where we live there's no cable. So we'd have to put up a
> satellite dish, and we already have one for the Internet. To have two
> dishes on the roof would be crazy.
> Prized possession: I have a file of letters and bits of ephemera from
> friends who have died. I have had lots of friends who died of AIDS.
> Concession to vanity: I've had to get contact lenses. I only put them
> in while I'm on TV. They are a miracle device that allows me to be on
> TV without glasses, which everyone tells me I can't wear on TV.
> Favorite movie: "The Manchurian Candidate," original version.
> Always in fridge: Champagne. I always keep a bottle, because you might
> need to celebrate at any moment, and a bunch of mustard, because I am
> a mustard person.
> Obsession: Loose nukes. I literally lie awake and worry that we
> haven't paid attention to some of the real national-security threats
> that are out there.
> Favorite item in house: The house mostly reflects Susan's style, but I
> have to put my stamp on things. Once, I found a sculpture of a big,
> fat squirrel holding a reflector. You're supposed to put it at the end
> of your driveway. We have it near the kitchen table; it's the house
> mascot.
> Obsolete item she won't part with: I have a little stockpile of lawn
> mowers, some of which it has been years since they worked. But it
> seems wrong to get rid of lawn mowers, so I keep them.
> Evening routine: Susan cooks dinner; I make drinks. We stay up all
> night talking or watching movies. Since we don't have TV, we watch
> movies on the laptop. I do this whole arcane thing where I get cords
> and connect the laptop and the speakers to an outlet. It takes 10
> Clothing item a talk-show host needs: For me, it is sneakers, which I
> can wear 80 percent of the time, secretly behind the desk. That
> reminds me who I am, even though I am dressed up like an assistant
> principal in order to meet the minimum dress code for being on
> Art collection: Most of the art in our house was made by Susan, who is
> a great photographer. She makes these wonderful abstract portraits. We
> also have a lot of other photos, most by people who are our
> contemporaries.
> Fictional character she identifies with: Wally Cleaver. Cause he is a
> dork.
> Favorite Fox News put-down: I don't talk much about Fox. That's more
> Keith Olbermann, but the only time Fox tried to book me on a show —
> ever — was for me to comment on Madonna and Britney Spears having
> kissed at an awards ceremony. I declined.
> Favorite Republican: I like the congressman and presidential candidate
> Ron Paul, because I understand what he believes, and he is fearless
> and civic-minded in his beliefs, rather than personally zealous.
> Favorite professional memento: I have clown shoes. They were from
the first time I was asked to M.C. something due to being a radio
> Worst job: I had a waitressing job that was minimum wage; no tips. I
> had to wear pantyhose and be there at 6 in the morning.
> She drives: I have a seven-year-old Ford pickup. Remember, I have to
> go to the dump.
> By her bed: Comic books. I read comics sometimes and graphic novels.
I appreciate that genre.
> Last big purchase: I just completed one of the biggest purchases of my
> life, my new chimney. The chimney was made in the 1860s, and the
> bricks were turning to dust. The new chimney is beautiful and safe,
> and it was so much money.
> Superstitions: Tons. A handkerchief can never be put in another pocket
> after it has been in one pocket. I don't walk under ladders. I have
> items of clothing that are lucky for me. That rotates, but I am
> luck-oriented.
> Favorite recent gift: A very old friend of mine gave me a fishing
> pole. I'd done a little fishing as a kid. Now, I have started fishing
> in the rivers around my house. I have my Massachusetts fishing license
> in my wallet and my pole in the shed.
> Procrastination technique: Cleaning. Writing makes me want to blow my
> head off. If I have a writing project due, I will clean everything
> around me as a way of avoiding putting pen to paper.
> Hobby: I am a hobbyist bartender. I have a liquor cabinet. I research
> classic drinks from the golden age of American cocktails and I make
> them for me and Susan.
> Favorite obscure liquor: Rhum agricole. It is rum made from
sugar-cane juice rather than molasses. It is freaking awesome.
> Favorite place to shop: Not applicable. I don't shop.
> Favorite political memento: Two ashtrays from the Watergate Hotel. I
> bought them on eBay.
> Nagging injury: A hurt shoulder from playing high-school volleyball. I
> can't raise my right arm above my head while bearing weight.
> Postelection plans: One, I won't do anything I don't have to for a
> while. No speeches. Two, Air America is having a cruise with its
> hosts. I have to do that, contractually. It is sort of work, but it is
> a cruise to Belize. 
> --Includes a few photos at link:
> http://www.nytimes. com/2008/ 10/19/magazine/ 19wwln-domains- t.html
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