Poor old raunchy, still fighting the last war. The bit about Sarah
Palin as a female candidate getting a taste of what Hillary got is
nonsense. Palin is being rejected not because she is a woman but
because she is an ignoramus, a moron -- and a nasty, divisive one at
that. It's nothing to do with gender (and nor was it with Hillary). 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We never thought we'd be here, but we are.  On June 8, a group of
> Hillary's most ardent supporters formed a coalition called Just Say No
> Deal. What followed was a viral explosion which grew organically and
> virtually. We put our families, jobs, reputations and even, in some
> cases, our lives and safety on the line, to stand up and speak out in
> the media
> 0>  against the corruption of the DNC and the thuggery of the Obama
> Campaign and ACORN.  The abuse inflicted upon Hillary supporters in the
> blogosphere and on the trail is now being felt by McCain supporters. And
> as a female candidate, Sarah Palin is getting a taste of what 'Our Gal'
> went through.   Just Say No Deal is made up of ordinary Americans: moms,
> soldiers, doctors, nurses, waitresses, landscapers, bankers, delegates,
> election judges, precinct chairs, professors... and yes, even plumbers. 
> Google 'we will not be silenced' and hear their stories for yourself!  
> No matter who you are or where you stand TODAY, the injustices that
> brought us together this year were REAL.
> That said, you may have moved on and we respect that decision. We truly
> do.    for the rest of you, join our fight to put :
> country b4 party
> visit us to learn how to:
> 1. rapid respond 
> 1> / blog
> 2. phoneb ank
> 2>
> 3. hit the road
> 3>
> call us at 617.416.4897 is you want to join these Hill Supporters on the
> road in your area!  [media inquiries welcome]   thank you.  
> www.justsaynodeal.com
>   <http://tinyurl.com/4jcume>
> http://tinyurl.com/4jcume <http://tinyurl.com/4jcume>
>   [0]  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NmaZIdz6Vo>        [450]       
> [20]        [22]        [469]        [22]        [22]        [106]
> [107]        [0]  <http://www.justsaynodeal.com/index.html>        [321]
> traces of nuts.
> enter
> site
> >
>   <http://www.justsaynodeal.com/index2.html>
>   [0]  <http://www.justsaynodeal.com/index2.html>        [obama claims
> minimal involvement with ACORN]        [132]        [84]        [90]
> [0]  <http://www.justsaynodeal.com/acorn_research.html>       Virtually
> no
> attention has been
> paid to the amount
> of taxpayer
> dollars that
> funds ACORN
> Housing Corporation
> or A H C - which
> helped unqualified
> poor people get
> NINJA mortgages
>   [241]        [213]        [150]        [110]       stalwart
defender of
> Fannie Mae, t
> p> he
> p> congressman
> p>  dated
> p> e
> p> xec
> p>  Herb Moses, who
> developed FM's
> affordable housing &
> home-improvement
> lending programs for
> the past 7 years--a
> clear conflict of
> interest and potential
> impropriety.
>   [231]       In 2005,
> formed
> Democracy
> Alliance,
> donating
> $100 million
> to groups,
> Provided the
> $20 million
> seed capital
> for left-wing
> advocacy
> group,
> MoveOn
> deeply embedded
> in wall street firms,
> the senator and
> house banking
> chair is the single
> of money from
> Freddy Mac &
> Fannie Mae - now
> overseeing the
> bailout and the
> very crisis he has
> enabled
> the 2nd largest  recipient of Freddy &
> Fannie cash, the former ACORN
> attorney and Chief Trainer formed a
> political partnership with Bill Ayers in
> his early years. Blames "reckless
> deregulation and lack of oversight" for
> the current financial meltdown, but
> government policies - formulated and
> promoted by community organizations
> - like those linked to Obama -  along
> with members of his campaign- are the
> root cause.
>   [231]       By trafficking bad paper, they collectively
> collapsed the credit markets in one fell
> swoop and may well be the catalyst for
> another American Depression.  Continuous
>   <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2RZ0sUcVcE> attempts by republicans
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2RZ0sUcVcE>   
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2RZ0sUcVcE> were made
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2RZ0sUcVcE>  (2002
> - 2005) to overhaul the two mortgage
> giants, only to be blocked by scores of
> Dems led by Barney Frank. Even Bill
> Clinton tried to reign in Freddy & Fannie in
> 1998,  but ultimately succumbed to party
> pressure.
> reportedly one of
> the democrats to
> block the $700
> Billion Bailout by
> demanding 20%
> kickback to
> ACORN. Helped
>   <http://www.cnbc.com/id/25654303> collapse IndyMac
> <http://www.cnbc.com/id/25654303>
> - one of the
> largest bank
> failures in US
> history.
>   [128]       peddled loans
> to millions of
> unqualified
> applicants,
> enabling a
> massive
> systemic
> abuse by Wall
> Street Bank
> execs,
> politicians,
> lobbyists and
> low-income
> Americans
>   [312]        [148]        [111]       Founded in the 70's,
> this training arm of
> ACORN mobilizes
> activists to manipulate
> public opinion through
> "direct action" and
> illegal activities.
> Obama's extensive work
> with ACORN & Midwest
> Academy dates back to
> 1992 and ranges from
> training and
> fundraising, to legal
> representation and voter
> mobilization (Project
> Vote).
> ACORN has
> reportedly
> received
> payments of
> nearly a million
> Barack Obama
> Campaign in
> 2008 -- payments
> were funneled
> through a front
> company called
> "Citizens Services
> Inc." and may
> have been falsely
> reported to the
> FEC.
> Former top Obama advisor &
> veep vetter resigned in disgrace
> for involvement in Countrywide
> Scandal. As former Fannie Mae
> CEO he pulled in $21 million in
> just his last year alone.
> Established Fannie Mae
> buy.html> Foundation
> buy.html>  - sweet little setup for
> handing out millions to ACORN.
> political career from
> his home, appointed
> him Chair of the
> Chicago Annenberg
> Challenge and served
> Launched Obama's
> Launched Obama's
> political career from
> his home, appointed
> him Chair of the
> Chicago Annenberg
> Challenge and served
> with him on Board of
> Woods Fund. Obama
> calls the Weathermen
> founder and domestic
> terrorist "respectable"
> and "mainstream,"
> endorsed Ayers' book
> in '97 yet recently
> claimed:  he's "just
> another guy in the
> neighborhood."
>   [115]       ACORN receives grants from
> the Chicago-based Woods
> Fund. Ayres and Obama
> served together on the Fund's
> Board. Other grantees during
> their tenure included former
> PLO spokesman Rashid
> Khalidi and the Obamas'
> church, Trinity United.
>   [73]        [73]        [69]        [73]        [73]        [73] 
> [73]        [73]        [69]        [73]        [73]       according to
> a
> whistleblower, the
> sub-prime financial
> engineering that
> created the wall
> street meltdown was
> developed by
> Obama's finance
> chair & Ernst and
> Young, working with
> Merrill Lynch to sell
> bonds securitized by
> what are now
> useless mortgages.
> Taking 90 million out of the
> system in 5 years, he illegally
> coerced employees to falsify
> Taking 90 million out of the
> accounting facts so he'd get
> maximum bonus. Fannie used
> Enron-esque fraud, at Raines'
> orders, to create the largest
> bail-out in US history. Called
> Obama a member of the
> "family" and thanked him for
> pressuring him to make
> unsound loans.
>   [20]        [20]        [69]        [91]        [20]        [135]
> NOTE: This is a snapshot view
> and remains a work in progress
> -- does not represent the full
> scope of Obama's links to
> ACORN and the current financial
> meltdown.
> From here, you can click BIG
> ACORN for in-depth research,
> click the you-tubed-ACORN for
> stunning voter fraud news
> coverage or click the PUMA to
> enter Just Say No Deal :
> okay, the reason no one focuses on Obama's "community organizing" is
> because few understand how it fits into the
> big picture. focus, trace, read [click acorn] - revisit if necessary -
> but do understand why a) Obama has gotten to
> where he is and why he threatens to continue that meteoric rise - with
> your tax money - straight to the white house
> and b) how Obama, his advisors & the dems are linked to the biggest
> financial meltdown since the Great Depression.
>   [320]        [22]        [73]        [20]       The now bankrupt
> high-flying loan originator in the
> sub-prime mortgage debacle funneled millions to gain
> favor with Congress, Freddie & Fannie in the form of
> sweetheart deals for Raines, Dodd & Johnson, among
> others.
>   [162]        [57]                                        Teaches Obama
> supporters "organizing
> principles" by
> adopting stunningly
> similar tactics of
> intimidation and
> confrontation taught
> at the Midwest
> Academy and akin to
> activities reported in
> the blogosphere, the
> caucuses and on the
> campaign trail.
>   [https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif]                 cac
> Ayers appointed a
> non-experienced
> Obama Chairman
> of Chicago
> Annenberg
> Challenge -
> Obama, who later
> doled out hundreds
> of millions to
> ACORN and other
> community groups
>   [22]            [setstats]

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