On Oct 25, 2008, at 9:03 AM, raunchydog wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Raunchydog. If you are the typical Hillary supporter then they fully
deserve all the shit that anyone can heap on their post-menopausal
heads. I have never read such ridiculous screeds as you have been
posting here. Have you noticed, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS
ANYMORE. You feel wronged and by the sweet blood of Jesus you are
going to get your revenge. Give it a rest, woman. Go post on some "I
Hate Obama for Stealing the Nomination from Hillary" blog and have a
big circle jerk with each other.

I was under the impression Rick wanted to tidy up the place when he
invited me to post. If you want to live in an echo chamber of unified
groupthink where no one questions the Messiah, then you should be the
one to leave. I'll leave when Obama's thought police cart me off to
the gulag and the rest of you are harvesting potatoes for dinner.

It sounds like he picked the wrong person.

To put it in perspective how many others here are stuck on their losing candidate?

When was the last time you heard a post on Mike Huckabee and someone lamenting his election loss? When was the last time you heard someone going on and on about Mitt Romney?

Answer: almost never. It's over, it's done and his former supporters realized that along time ago RD.

I take it you'll be writing in for Hillary? :-)

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