On Nov 5, 2008, at 10:05 AM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

Actually, since in his tradition those that are enlightened first
ascend into a type of higher heaven dimension and then return,
hopefully in the same lifetime, as an enlightened being, we know
he was not. That's why when he died there was such big deal made
about him entering heaven. Now, presumably, if he reincarnates
be enlightened in that lifetime. When you have to go to a heaven
dimension on death, it means you were still short of the mark
you died.

I still have yet to receive a post card. That bastard!

you sound like such a fundamentalist vaj- your way is the only right
true and correct way. such foolishness and slavery. the Maharishi
never said anything even remotely as you describe,

Of course not, he needed to keep selling you stuff, that's what the Mushroom Effect is all about! And no, I'm not a Hindu.

And where did I say ANYTHING about it being 'the only way and the correct way'? You made that up!

ROTFLOL, the TM org liked to translate the Sanskrit word for "heaven" as "the unified field". Isn't that a hoot?

and yet in your
fervor to convert us non believers into your one true church, you
make up lies and slander. what's next? speaking in tongues?

Why do you think it was announced Mahesh was going to heaven Dawn? If you don't like what you hear, can you at least TRY to offer an alternative? What do your psychic powers tell you?

Incidentally, a path that requires the use of a heaven dimension is NOT my trip. I'm sure it's hard for many Neo-Hindus to find out it was part of theirs! Don't be so grumpy Dawn, it's only darkness you're hiding in (just try to ignore that 'brown stuff'). ;-)

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