I sincerely hope the future is brighter, but I'm not as much of an 
optimist as many of you are.  I think Obama is an arrogant sleazy 
scumbag, an empty suit on the same order as Bush, but Black and a 
Democrat...so perhaps there will be changes.  As for Big Brother, that 
scenario will only expand, although the eye watching us will be of a 
different hue.  Re-read Orwell, especially "1984."  I used to teach 
that novel, and the echoes still reverberate in my head.  Orwell 
believed that if you keep the lower classes content with enough gin and 
mindless entertainment, they will be totally complacent and 
maleable...I see this same strand of thought emanating from level-the-
income-field Obamabots. 

And I wonder if I will live long enough to see history re-written.

Time will tell.

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