--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > My MCain point was not a straw man.  It was an example of
> > > someone being sincerely wrong.  I don't take MCain's word
> > > for it and I don't take this guy's word for it.  You do?
> > > Ok, so you do.  Why does that mean that I lack integrity?
> > 
> > And you just did it *again*.
> > 
> > Basta.
> Discussing things with you is like interacting with a tar
> baby made of unpleasantness.  You really can't help yourself
> can you?  I don't think you have a cordial way to disagree.
> At least I haven't seen any evidence of it.

Bullshit. You and I have disagreed frequently
without things getting unpleasant. That isn't
the problem.

> You obviously believe the guy or you wouldn't have used it as
> your definitive example.

"Definitive example" is your term, not mine. At this
point, it's the *only* example.

And what I said was: "I certainly give what he has
to say more credibility than some aides who were
hanging around and don't have the guts to speak for
attribution," and "His version sounds a whole lot
more plausible to me."

> You are taking his word for it.

I gave reasons for finding his version more credible
than the anonymous stories. You didn't address any
of them or, apparently, take them into account at all.

  I used an
> example of MCain being sincerely wrong.  Maybe you don't agree
> with that example.

McCain's overall take on Palin is obviously irrelevant
to the competing versions of these stories. Apples and
Fig Newtons. You're too smart not to realize that.

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