--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "Richard J. Williams"
> "President-elect Barack Obama is unlikely
> to radically overhaul controversial Bush
> administration intelligence policies,
> advisers say, an approach that is almost
> certain to create tension within the
> Democratic Party.">>

You're such a fucking dope Richard. He is not the President yet, he will
not be saying anything to rock the boat until he is in power. So please
stop endlessly posting this irrelevant shit about a president elect who
has not made any decisions and will not make any until he is elected.

Which, by the way, the way the Neocons have fucked up this country,
there may not be a government to hold it together by January anyway. You
could have total meltdown before Obama even gets in.

Please stop posting this endless drivle about nothing. Obama is not the
President yet. Your criminal Bush is the president and this mess is all
you Neocons fault. Period.

And to those of you responding to him with arguments on issues, please
stop feeding the sewer-rat.


> Read more:
> Posted by Glenn Reynolds
> Instapundit, November 11, 2008
> http://tinyurl.com/6n56jo <http://tinyurl.com/6n56jo>
> "I don't think a diet of hope is going to
> cover it. Nor even a diet of audacity, though
> can you picture anything less audacious than
> the gray, safety-first figures who have so
> far been chosen by Obama to be on his team?"
> - Christopher Hitchens
> http://www.slate.com/id/2204240/ <http://www.slate.com/id/2204240/>

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