> > "President-elect Barack Obama is unlikely
> > to radically overhaul controversial Bush
> > administration intelligence policies,
> > advisers say, an approach that is almost
> > certain to create tension within the
> > Democratic Party.">>
> >
off_world_beings wrote:
> And to those of you responding to him with 
> arguments on issues, please stop feeding the 
> sewer-rat.
Very impressive!

> > Posted by Glenn Reynolds
> > Instapundit, November 11, 2008
> > http://tinyurl.com/6n56jo <http://tinyurl.com/6n56jo>
> >
> > "I don't think a diet of hope is going to
> > cover it. Nor even a diet of audacity, though
> > can you picture anything less audacious than
> > the gray, safety-first figures who have so
> > far been chosen by Obama to be on his team?"
> > - Christopher Hitchens
> >
> > http://www.slate.com/id/2204240/ <http://www.slate.com/id/2204240/>
> >

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