> What bothers us about the sexist and misogynistic
> attacks on Hillary and Palin is not that the
> attacks did them any damage--because they didn't,
> either politically or personally--but rather that
> the mindset that makes such attacks possible
> exists in the first place.
If these attacks didn't cause any damage to Sarah or to Hillary, what 
damage has it done to you?
Do you feel like a loser, because Hillary lost?
Why do you allow these attitudes to affect you so?
Why is it so important for a woman to be President of the United 
Perhaps the collective consciousness of the United States, will not 
allow for a woman president, right now. Perhaps this is the 'Will of 
We all know that most of the attitudes of many people in our country 
are rather barbaric.
Why do you continue to beat your head against a wall, expecting these 
people to suddenly feel like you do towards Hillary or toward Sarah.
But, people have a mind of their own; people have their own paths to 

It is hard for me to believe that you could not see the miracle of 
someone like Barack Obama being elected President.
This is a much greater event, then could have possibly have happened, 
if Hillary had won. 
There is so much more potential with Barack Obama.
Hillary is glad to be in the Senate, so the question becomes:
Why are you so dependent on the way she was treated, and why do you 
continue to focus on this, distracting you from the positive things 
which are happening?

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