--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  (snip)
> > What bothers us about the sexist and misogynistic
> > attacks on Hillary and Palin is not that the
> > attacks did them any damage--because they didn't,
> > either politically or personally--but rather that
> > the mindset that makes such attacks possible
> > exists in the first place.
> > 
>  (snip)
> If these attacks didn't cause any damage to Sarah or to
> Hillary, what damage has it done to you?
> Do you feel like a loser, because Hillary lost?
> Why do you allow these attitudes to affect you so?
> Why is it so important for a woman to be President of the United 
> States.

Robert, the King of Non Sequiturs.

You really, really ought to read each post *at least*
twice before you respond. Then maybe your comments
would make a little more sense.

(On the other hand, maybe not.)

This is my last post for the week; see you later,

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