Excitation and Polarization.

Yes Simon, and added to all those difficulty factors there is also the
problem of individual and group polarization. It is well known in
psychology that individual polarization invariably becomes worse after
group activity.  It is indeed very akin to the scientific polarization
in wave functions and oscillations. But that aspect is no problem, the
social and psychological polarization is however.

In these fields then the obvious example is the polarization, and the
ensuing gap it creates,  between hard core religious fundamentalists and
hard core materialists. When it comes to religions and that kind of
dogma and the acceptance of it there have of course been minor and often
localised paradigmatic mini revolutions.  The two major ones of course
were the enlightenment period (so called) or renascence, and then the
scientific and industrial revolution. In fact some aspects of the
renascence were excellent and far reaching; and especially seen
manifesting in art and thought. The central core of it all was in
putting Man, consciousness, and the nature of our being, back in or
nearer to the centre of things.  Probably the leading exponent of which
was Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, the Count of Mirandola 1463-94, and
his Manifesto of the Enlightenment.  And this of course was largely due
to finding ancient texts world wide which the Roman Church had kept it
all buried for centuries; and of course were hell bent on destroying
everything they could find of anything which did not correlate with
their invention and thus refuted it. And to say nothing of eliminating
individuals who spoke out against their operation and teaching.

However these things were more or less confined to just some of the
educated elite; it certainly did not permeate down to Joe Blogs growing
the crops on the farm. That process is still happening today – a
long slow evolution of unfolding eh. Look at them all reading this or
that on email chat groups :- )  Oh yeah, things here certainly do
change. But not always for the better and not usually very fast. The
relevant question here and now is will things change in time, or soon
enough shall we say. It would be pretty pointless and tragic if the
demise of humanity came before its group awakening would it not. Who
knows what the frigging Dodo would have evolved into had it stuck
around. But it sure was not fit for purpose in a world like this.  Are
we?  That is to say is humanity or homo sapiens as they like to call it?

One of the things that was plainly obvious to me, even at the time it
was happening, is that the process of integration with the
`mystical' was down to this very same phenomenon which you find
in physics and the polarization process – EXCITATION. Love is
excitation. Anything which really turns you on at a deep level and
drives and motivates one is excitation. This eternity experience event
IS an absolute polarization of the mind and consciousness – a
complete and utter mono-pole reality. Ipso bloody well Facto. Anyone who
denies that has not got a bloody clue what they are talking about, and
plainly enough.

It is not enough simply to have a profound experience and then
wiz-bang-wallop live ones life in the euphoria of it. One has to come to
understand it, what is going on where, how and why. We must understand
our situation and why things are as they are. As I say, and they have
all said in the past, it has got nothing to do with intelligence and
rationalism, but you sure need both of them to come to comprehend it all
whilst here and then make effective use of it on this world. It is not
until reason gets to grips and in accord with e-motion that we can move
on to another level of incarnate existence – a further evolved
species. I happen to call that next stage Homo Ensophicus – Man that
walks the earth in the knowledge of what it is and where it comes from
and how to operate here. But, call it what you like. And we have got to
frigging well get there first. This place is not good enough nor ripe
for that Man to walk in and live in. It awaits its stage entrance in the
wings of eternity.

Until such time as reason and emotion are unified in one harmony and
accord then polarization will exist on earth among human beings. And
they can argue with that until pink smoke rings fly out of their arse
and fairies dance on pin heads and shit gold dust.


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