Would Sarah be his Deputy Secretary of Defense?
"Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Mon, 11/17/08, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain for Secretary of Defense?
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, November 17, 2008, 8:19 PM

That's a BAD idea.  He'll make Rumsfeld look like a puppy.  He can 
lead the US to war with Iran.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"
> "A source in Chicago informed me earlier today that John McCain 
will be
> meeting with Obama and his handlers tomorrow in Chicago in order to
> discuss the possibility of a Secretary of Defense appointment. That
> McCain will be in Chicago tomorrow is corroborated by an article 
> Times
> s/article5167418.ece>  published one hour ago.  The Times, however,
> claims McCain will most probably not be appointed to a Cabinet 
> But he will be consulted on topics on which he and Obama have
> "common ground." This certainly does not preclude the
> possibility of an appointment of McCain to Secretary of Defense."
> Senator John McCain as Obama's Secretary of Defense?
> <http://www.noquarterusa.net/blog/2008/11/16/senator-john-mccain-as-
> as-secretary-of-defense/>
> By Chicagoan on November 16, 2008 at 3:39 PM in
> <http://www.noquarterusa.net/blog/category/john-mccain/>
> Barack Obama has already stated an intention to appoint at least one
> Republican to his cabinet.
> <http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/15/obama-pledges-to-
> republican-to-cabinet/>  Citing Abraham Lincoln as a precedent, 
> will even consider political enemies for powerful positions in his
> administration.
> Our source maintains that McCain will visit Chicago tomorrow in 
order to
> discuss the Secretary of Defense appointment. Even if Obama chooses 
> to appoint McCain to this position, it raises a series of questions:
>     * Why would Obama consult with someone who his campaign 
> called a warmonger
> <http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/04/barack-backer-
> on his choice for Secretary of Defense?
>     * How would a McCain appointment to Secretary of Defense herald 
> new foreign policy Obama touts, especially when Obama characterizes
> McCain's foreign policy as an extension of that of George W. Bush
> <http://www.barackobama.com/issues/> ?
>     * How will Obama's supporters react to the appointment of John
> McCain to Secretary of Defense?
>     * Why would Obama consider or consult with John McCain when he 
> consistently cited Chuck Hagel as the type of Republican with whom 
> could collaborate on defense and foreign policy matters?
>     * Does the knowledge that McCain will visit Chicago in order to
> discuss the Secretary of Defense position with Obama signal that 
> may not consider extending the tenure of John Gates, George W.
> Bush's appointee, as Secretary of Defense?
>     * And how is prolonging Gates's tenure "change?"
>     * Is Obama considering McCain for Secretary of Defense in order 
> make McCain's Senate seat available to Janet Napolitano? Is this how
> Obama will secure a supermajority in the US Senate?
> Obama desires to fashion himself as an Abraham Lincoln, as a man 
who can
> cooperate with his fiercest detractors. Appointing John McCain to
> Secretary of Defense would certainly continue the tradition of 
> of forging relations of cooperation and collaboration with one's
> adversaries. While this is laudable, it does reveal Obama's acute
> awareness of his lack knowledge of matters of foreign policy and
> defense. It also reveals that Obama never truly believed the 
> he leveled against McCain during the general election.
> Whatever the case may be, we know McCain will be in Chicago 
tomorrow in
> order to discuss the Secretary of Defense position with Obama. 
> one may feel about McCain's stance on defense and on foreign policy,
> Obama's supporters should find their candidate's willingness to
> consult with a "warmonger" antithetical to the stance Obama
> assumed during the election. But then again, Obama has been 
anything but
> consistent, and his supporters certainly did not support him for 
> of policy or of ideology.
> I guess we will know if McCain was offered the position of 
Secretary of
> Defense tomorrow night or some other day next week. Will Obama ask
> McCain to complete the 63 page questionnaire? And will McCain 
> it?
> McCain will certainly serve his country in any capacity: his 
motives are
> not to be questioned. But we should question Obama's motives for
> considering McCain for Secretary of Defense. Share your thoughts 
> the information our source related earlier today about McCain's
> visit to Chicago tomorrow in the comments thread.
> Comment
> Wow!!!
> I was thinking of McCain as Sec of Defense before I went to bed last
> night.
> I think it would be great as McCain wants victory with Honor in 
Iraq and
> understands the other systemic threats in the area.
> Obama should also appoint Sarah to a position that helps special 
> children
> If Obama does all these things and appoints Hillary as SOS it really
> could be a new day in America
>        Comment
> Yes it truly would be a new day in American politics. A dreadful 
day as
> the two party system disappears and Obama solidifies control over 
> nation. This is nothing more than a willful attempt to silence
> opposition covertly. Obama is a master tactician and it is on 
> again. Any who disagree with him are part of the past and should be
> disregarded. Can you imagine McCain or Clinton accepting his 
> to join the administration only to leave and be lambasted and labled
> part of the past and the real problem. If they don't accept and then
> disagree with his future approach to issues his response will be 
> they had a chance to join his team and influence his decision making
> process and decided not to. If his policies fail Obama will blame 
> appointees and destroy their political career. I have to say that 
> is quite deft in practicing Machiavellian politics.
>        Comment
> And if he gave John the job, in six months fires him or forces him 
> resign and John is not in the Senate to oppose Obama's changes. I
> would never trust him….never, ever.
>        Comment
> Yes, this is what I thought of as soon as I saw the trial balloons 
> McCain for SecDefense and Hillary for SecState — get them out of the
> Senate, out of the way of BO's (or Reid/Pelosi's?) legislative
> agenda, and then ditch them at the first alleged opportunity.
> Easy peasy for a dirtbag like BO and his Chg gang.
> Too easy.


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