On Nov 18, 2008, at 10:17 AM, boo_lives wrote:

> The job "ghostwriter" was created esp for people like palin.  Like you
> know that's why God like made them.
> Raising kids?  Yeah, she nurtured her eldest through vandalism, drug
> addiction and dropping out of high school before pulling some strings
> to get him in the military.  She's doing a similarly excellent job
> with her eldest pregnant high school dropout daughter.

And could you just hear the howls of outrage and the
pompous moralizing if that had been Obama's--or almost
any Democrat's--situation?  If nothing else, Palin's ridiculous
candidacy has highlighted how poorly the Republican
idiotology has served kids.

>  She pulled the
> other kid out of school and drag the baby around the country up at all
> hours so that they could be props for her campaign.  She brags about
> going back to work hours after giving birth.  When the cameras aren't
> around, I wonder how much this woman thinks about being a mother.
> The people who think McCain is actually a candidate for SoD are the
> same people who thought Clinton was a VP candidate for McCain --
> totally out of touch with reality.

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