
[This affidavit was used as part of a one lawsuit by the followers of  
the controversial group leader Robin Carlson in their attempt to gain  
reentry to MIU and for Civil Rights claims against MIU. ]
Affidavit: Michael Grove, Mark Frost and Michael Herkel v . Maharishi  
Mahesh Yogi, Maharishi International University, World Plan Executive  
Council United States, Capital of the Age of Enlightenment, Gregory  
Thatcher, Gregg Wilson and Bevan Morris.

I, T. Gemma Cowhig, being sworn upon my oath depose and state;

1. I have been practicing the Transcendental Meditation Program for  
16 years. I have been an initiator of the Transcendental Meditation  
Program since 1971 and worked as a full time employee of the  
defendant World Plan Executive Council from 1971-1973. I am still an  
initiator and since 1977 have been a Governor of the TM Program, also  
a position within the defendant World Plan Executive Council centers  
in Toronto, Ontario and London, Ontario.

2 . My brother John Cowhig has been defendant Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's  
secretary since 1974. On many occasions, including visits with our  
parents, on my six month course, and recently when I was in  
Switzerland, he has stated to me that Maharishi is concerned about  
his security because he believes that the American CIA has  
infiltrated his organization and is constantly working to undermine  
his image. My brother has stated, and it is well know within the TM  
Movement, that Maharishi often states that the CIA is a threat to his  
security and that Maharishi hates the CIA and feels that it is out to  
get him. Last summer, in Switzerland, my brother said to me that  
Maharishi has stated that I was also involved with the CIA.

3. In late 1979 my brother John Cowhig said to me in a phone call  
from Thailand that Maharishi had a message for Robin. The message was  
for Robin to be careful that the CIA would begin to surround him and  
begin to puff him up for their own purposes.

4. After the Jim Jones Guyana Massacre my brother told me that  
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi claimed that the CIA was responsible for an  
article in the newspaper linking the TM Movement to that of Jim Jones.

5. It is well known within the TM Movement that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi  
has accused many former teachers of the Transcendental Meditation  
Movement and employees of World Plan Executive Council such as  
Charley Donahue and Billie Clayton, of being agents of the CIA who  
were out to get him.

Sworn and Notarized on, January 30, 1984, by T. Gemma Cowhig~

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