--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> It is not the job of the American taxpayer to 
> bail out badly run businesses period!  Badly
> run business should fail and go away.

It amazes me that some people think the proposed
Big Three bailout would be purely for the benefit
of the car companies, when their collapse would
have a ripple effect that would impose widespread
grinding hardship in the form of lost jobs, not
just for those who work for the car companies but
the employees of thousands of businesses that
interface with the car companies in one way or
another, as well as those that interface with
*them*, and so on in ever-expanding circles.

We should do what we can to prop them up until the
economy is back on its feet. If we're going to let
them fall apart, let's wait to do so until the
economy is strong enough to withstand the blow.
Otherwise the recession will be sigificantly
worsened and prolonged.

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