Paul Mason wrote:
> Questioner - Maharishi, how may a person find, you know, which of the,
> of the, the five materials [elements?] are predominant in them?
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - They, they have their method of, uh, oh, from
> the tendencies they know, from the, from the cut of the face they
> know. From the tendency. From the tendency.
Tendencies or what these days we might call a rough "personality 
profile" is the way that many gurus who give mantras based on different 
deities use. 

Ayurveda is a good method for finding which elements predominate as it 
deals with them directly and there are mantras used there to bring balance.
> Q - Do you take that into consideration when you give the person a mantra?
> M M Y - I don't go into all these vibrations, botherations. I ask him
> "Which god you like?" He says "Shiva" - Okay, Shiva! [Maharishi
> laughs, very loudly] Where is the time to go into complications and
> all that? Ask him "What he like?" and that is it. [more laughter, the
> laughter now sounding strained] And somebody comes, "Oh my, I don't
> have any liking for anybody", then I trace behind, And then, "When you
> were young?" and "Which temple you were going more?" and "What your
> father was worshipping?" and then he comes round. [Maharishi resumes
> the laughter]
Very traditional Indian methods which supersedes the selection via 
personality.  However not very workable in the west though a few gurus 
might give mantras based on western religious icons.
> Q - How would you apply this to the westerners?
> M M Y - Oh here we don't go into these minute details. [more strained
> laughter] We get the mantra direct and that does all good for him.
> [yet more laughter] In to.. not into so much details. 
Circa 1959 he was probably still using the simple traditional technique 
of giving a shanti mantra to the public which people allege he first 
used.  Some of us think he should have stuck with that.
> To listen to this use the following link:
I'll listen to this later for further comment.

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