On Dec 13, 2008, at 8:58 PM, raunchydog wrote:

I've seen your website before. It's beautiful. Thank you.

I'm a TM teacher, as are a few others here and perhaps you are as
well. So my POV won't be new to anyone. I've heard Maharishi dodge
questions about the selection of the mantra before and I recently saw
as link to John Knapp's website showing a similar dodge from a TM
teacher. IMO the purpose of the dodge, is to keep the energy positive
by making light of the inquiry and help the person about to be
initiated have an effortless and innocent experience of transcending.
If Maharishi had explained the process exactly, he would have removed
one layer of innocence and an opportunity for wonder and surprise. In
addition, I guarantee another question would follow immediately

Many teachers explain the meaning of the mantra they are transmitting and the mantras work just fine--if not better. Having some doubt in the back of your mind, is that innocence? No, of course not. So while I appreciate your somewhat naive outlook, I don't share it. I think the real reason Mahesh didn't want to explain the mantras was he was worried it could potentially pull the rug out from underneath his 'used mantra' sales figures. If the word got out that they not only had meaning but they were seed-essences of Hindu goddesses and gods, it would also blow the whole "we're so scientific" facade. At the same time, it would expose that both he and his teachers were not familiar with mantra-shastra, the experiential and knowledge aspect of mantra use and selection. The impression given was that mantra selection was a science in and of itself--that's actually true--but teachers of TM clearly do not know that science, not by a long shot. It's really misrepresentation. And lastly it would also expose the fact that TM mantras are tantric NOT "Vedic"--that's a huge error which would further undermine M.'s credibility. (as if if he'd any left after all the aforementioned!)

So while appreciate your need to be sentimental and naive--that's fine--as long as you realize you are being sentimental and naive Raunchy.

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