--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard M" <compost...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:


> > You're cherry-picking your 'facts', fella, to support your
> > predetermined conclusions. Who do you think you're fooling?
> >
> Oh, the irony.
> I see it all now: I am a TOAD ("Thick-headed Obtuse Apologist for
> the Deniers"). Why didn't you say so earlier to spare all this
tedious> posting nonsense?

Indeed you ARE in serious denial of the facts if you continue to deny
the following:

~~  Global Instrumental Temperature Record  ~~

The instrumental temperature record shows the fluctuations of the
temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans as measured by
temperature sensors. Currently, the longest-running temperature record
is the Central England temperature data series, that starts in 1659. -

Central England temperature data series beginning in 1659 - Chart:

The longest-running quasi-global record starts in 1850 - Chart:

Global records databases

Currently, the Hadley Centre maintains the HADCRUT3, a global surface
temperature dataset,[2]

See Hadley Centre Charts:

NASA maintains GISTEMP, which provides a measure of the changing
global surface temperature with monthly resolution for the period
since 1880[3]

See NASA Charts:


Global Temperature (meteorological stations)

Annual Mean Temperature Change for Three Latitude Bands

...The NOAA maintains the Global Historical Climatology Network
(GHCN-Monthly) data base contains historical temperature,
precipitation, and pressure data for thousands of land stations

NOAA Charts: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/gcag/index.jsp

SUMMARY: *All* of the above data shows global warming over the last

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