--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> 
> The emails have been sent to the three moderators.
> But, in light of the prediction I made yesterday
> about how obsessed Judy is with me, and how the
> percentage of her posts that mention me in the 
> coming year will *demonstrate* that obsession, 
> I will comment on this quote of hers before the 
> new year starts and I stop mentioning her, even
> obliquely.
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > But Barry should note that he wouldn't have to go
> > through this rigamarole and make public his friend's
> > private medical data (has his friend given him
> > permission to do so?) if it weren't for the fact
> > that he has so completely destroyed his own
> > credibility here.
> What Judy is really saying is that she *hopes* 
> that SHE has been able to destroy my credibility.
> I suspect that anyone who has been "following the
> action" here on FFL since she first stalked me
> here will agree that that's *exactly* what she
> has been trying to do. It's also *exactly* what
> she tries to do with Vaj, with John Knapp, with
> Paul Mason, and eventually with almost everyone 
> who publicly challenges TM, the TMO and Maharishi.
> In the past few months, as she went way, way, WAY
> over the top with her Hillary crap and claims of
> "death threats," my suspicion is that the person
> who has zero credibility on this forum is her.
> And I further suspect that she knows this, and
> that this knowledge is what fuels her obsession
> with me, and will guarantee that in the coming
> year she will spend a minimum of 38% of her posts
> to this forum replying to mine or commenting on
> them in an attempt to "destroy my credibility."
> It's a revenge thang. And one that would be 
> pathetic in a Junior High School student. To see 
> it in a 68-year-old woman who has been practicing
> TM faithfully for 30 years is mind-boggling, and
> makes me question her sanity. I don't think I'm
> the only person on this forum who does.

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