--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "I am the eternal"
<l.shad...@...> wrote:
> I have a very close friend who has just been diagnosed with prostate
> cancer.  3 nodes of the biopsy have a Gleason Index of 7.  Otherwise
> my friend is in excellent health and recently had an Ayurvedic consult
> at the Raj and was pretty much given a clean bill of health.  My
> friend and I are debating what to do.  My friend also lives in Austin,
> TX and has the best of medical insurance.  He's got a consult
> scheduled with a world famous Urologist who has performed 1,200 Di
> Vinci robotic prostrate cancer surgeries.  The odds are that my friend
> will retain full functioning except for that which the prostate
> provides because the robotic surgery is so targeted if he opts for
> surgery.
> I am urging my friend to not pursue alternate therapies including
> Ayurveda to handle the slowing growing cancer (PSA went from 4 to 12
> in 7 years).  IMO Ayurveda is a nice preventative but that's about it.
>  It would be much better if this diagnosis were made in 2090, assuming
> humankind still exists then, but the options aren't so bad in 2009.
> Would anyone care to comment about what course of action my friend
> should take?  Yeah, he's a long time citizen sidha and all that.

I skimmed through these threads about your friend.  I take it you are
in Texas.  If he hasn't been there already, I recommend MD Anderson
Cancer Center in Houston for evaluation.  http://www.mdanderson.org/
Better than roaming from one expert to another. 

Given the limited facts your presented (age, Gleason score, PSA, but
not tumor grading or PSA doubling rate) I likely would not do watchful
waiting and I would not rely on Curcumin  and the like!  Prostate
cancer treatment has so many options and each individual is different,
so don't take anything for advice here.  (Other than what I said about
visiting a major cancer center, like MD Anderson).

Best wishes to you and your friend. 

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