On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Marek Reavis <reavisma...@sbcglobal.net>wrote:

> I'm only familiar with Swami Ganapati Satchidananda in passing; there
> was a poster here a year or two back who was very much involved with
> this gentleman and frequently exhorted folks to tune in to his
> message.  But this is the first time I've looked and listened to him.

Ya gotta visit his websites.  They are a riot.  For a mere $40 or there
abouts he can perform a yagna that will make you healthy and wealthy.  Wise
isn't offered because the wise don't follow this guy.  I remember a few
years ago reading his offers for only a couple thousand USD to take people
to see the jyotishis with the nadi leaves.  I swear that whoever writes for
this dude used to write for the National Lampoon or Mad Magazine.  A real

Don't forget to visit Astroved and get a free Jyotish reading.  This guy's a
hoot.  For this reason alone he should be honored because there's just not
enough humor in the world to go around.  Oh year.  Don't forget to phat.  I
remember when he was teaching his flock how to spit out "phat" to remove
evil.  If only he could have the class that Maharishi had in erecting his 14
ring, multibillion dollar circus.

Didya get that in each of his reincarnations he has turned himself into a
being of light just like Babaji?  How'd he do that then reincarnate into
another form?

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