On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> > You need to take some vata tea to your neighbor Alex Jones there in > Austin. He's really freaked about Obama. Of course that is how he > makes his money by keeping his listeners in a state of fear so they by > his videos. He's fun to listen to though but today he is over the top. > Alex was pushing shilajit a while back from one of his sponsors so he > should be open to some more ayurvedic cures. :-D > I know Alex Jones and I assure you that what pays the bills is what motivates Alex. I'm aware of Alex being over the top about The One/The Messiah (is that the proper invocation for FFL?). It freaked me out when he suddenly turned one day (I listen to him on one of the microchannels (FM) from GW Bush to Obama. But that's how you stay in business. What you really should worry about is the Aryan Brotherhood, the KKK and the skinheads. They are very up in arms about Obama the hi yeller and Obama wanting to take away our guns. As far as Ayurveda, Alex has no clue what all these bizarre things are he's selling. To him it's income. And of course a way to keep the network operating.