>From time to time I pick up a book by the Dalai Lama and read through
it even though I won't be buying it. I find valuable yogic tidbits
this way although a brief statement may not be enough for a book

In one of these, the Dalai Lama was asked about yogis who claimed they
could fly - such as Milarepa. He said that yes it was possible but
that there were five knots in the heart had to be un-knoted for the
prana-vayus to flow properly.

Here it is significant to note that the yoga-sadhanas of Naropa and
Maitripa have detailed knowledge-practices (Tsa-Lung) for clearing all
the prana-nadis. Note also that contemporary Tibetan practitioners
have mastered both tsa-lung and tummo inner-fire and have demonstrated
this empirically in deadly cold conditions which are impossible for
ordinary human bodies to tolerate. 

However, we might also note that not one of them has demonstrated the
ability to perform yogic flying (akasha gamana). We might also note
that the Tibetans demand this very kind of demonstration every time
some yogi says he is enlightened. 

Enough said?

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