On Jan 22, 2009, at 12:48 PM, emptybill wrote:

Here it is significant to note that the yoga-sadhanas of Naropa and
Maitripa have detailed knowledge-practices (Tsa-Lung) for clearing all
the prana-nadis. Note also that contemporary Tibetan practitioners
have mastered both tsa-lung and tummo inner-fire and have demonstrated
this empirically in deadly cold conditions which are impossible for
ordinary human bodies to tolerate.

However, we might also note that not one of them has demonstrated the
ability to perform yogic flying (akasha gamana). We might also note
that the Tibetans demand this very kind of demonstration every time
some yogi says he is enlightened.

The vows and precepts for Lung-Gompas are very strict, so it's highly unlikely you'd ever see this, although novices have been witnessed. If you hold anuttara-level teachings, you can get permission to observe some of the 'hoverers' now in the Himalayas. I have witnessed first hand yogic running, and it is quite odd to see as the person looks like a cartoon figure running up and down hills as if gravity didn't matter.

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