--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> As far as I can tell, blondes (whether real
> blondes or faux blondes, merely *pretending*
> to be blonde the way some people pretend to 
> be TMers) latch onto an argument that they 
> have convinced themselves is irrefutable and 
> devastating to their opponents. They then
> repeat this "perfect" argument over and over,
> more convinced with every repetition that they
> have "gotten" the people they want to "get."
> For example, take the recent claim by such a 
> blonde that the people on this forum who are
> supporting the notion that TM is religious in
> nature "have all of 4 years of TM between you, 
> total," and that this experience was "a few 
> decades ago."
> By my count, given the 6 people the blonde is
> referring to, they have an estimated total of
> *160 years* of regular TM practice between
> them. 


Barry has just proved himself to be a blond.

The post Barry's referring to (#206373) was in
response to Vaj's post citing Sir John Woodroffe.

It did not make the claim Barry cites about "the
people on this forum who are supporting the
notion that TM is religious in nature." It did
not make the claim about "6 people."

The claim was about only two people--Vaj, and

"since 'sir john' (wtf is that all about?) and you
have all of 4 years of TM between you, total -- him,
none, and you a few decades ago, your many thousand
words fall into the category of monkey chatter."

Given this whopping, hilarious error, Barry in one
stroke reconfirms his titles Master of Projection
*and* Master of Unintended Irony with this comment:

> Blondes tend to like pointing fingers at others.
> But these same blondes tend to be so stupid and
> uncoordinated that they don't realize that their
> finger is pointing in the opposite direction,
> at themselves.

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