--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <no_reply@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Seriously, I would like to hear each person's definition in one
> > or two sentences please.
> >
> > (we already know Vaj is going to inscrutably say "  "
> > And Sal is going to say "A good BLT sandwich"
> >
> > ...but what is the definition from the rest of you?
> Enlightenment -- a fluid, everchanging subjective
> state of mind that has no qualities or attributes
> except what the claimant of having attained it
> claims it has, and no benefits for the claimant
> or society other than what the claimant says it
> has. The only important thing is that other people
> must view the person who has claimed enlightenment
> as somehow special and better than they are. See
> 'unicorn,' and 'UFO sightings.' All in all, a BLT
> is more nourishing and better for you, and cheaper.
> -- The Dictionary of Cutting Through The Bullshit,
> Get Real Press, 33rd. edition.


The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi definition
"Enlightenment is exactly as I described it over
the years, and it's the same for everyone. It's
a steady progression through the states of CC,
GC, UC and BC to complete fulfillment. When one
reaches that state of full enlightenment, one is
able to manifest all of the siddhis and levitate,
as I do, and bring all of one's ideas to perfect
completion, as I did with Vedaland and so many
other projects. That'll be a million dollars, please."

The Dumb Blonde definition
"Enlightenment is what I say it is. Anyone who
says anything different is WRONG, and is just a
monkey-mind chattering away. And I know this to
be true because my TM initiator, What's-his-name,
said so back when I first learned TM, back in

The Vaj definition
"Enlightenment is what the people I consider
enlightened say it is. And it is ONLY what the
people I consider enlightened say it is. So there." :-)

The TMO definition
"Enlightenment is the inevitable result of practicing
the TM technique, which is the fastest, easiest, most
effective means of attaining enlightenment ever
seen on planet Earth. This can be verified by doing
scientific tests on all the people we have certified as
being fully enlightened over the 53 years of our
teaching. Come back a week from some Thursday
and we will provide you with a list of their names."

Turq's definition
"Enlightenment is something that people who (on the
whole) have never experienced it like to talk about as
if they knew exactly what it was. In general, the more
they talk about it as if they know exactly what it is,
the less likelihood there is that they have ever had
even a fleeting experience of it. Those who *have* had
a fleeting experience of what they consider enlighten-
ment to be are basically saying that their subjective
experience -- whatever it might have been really -- is
synonymous with enlightenment because *they* had
the experience, and they are so important that if *they*
had that experience, it *must* be cool and valuable
and special, because *they* are cool and valuable and
special. People talk about enlightenment in the same
way they talk about unicorns -- they claim to know
*exactly* what the unicorn of enlightenment looks
like, but can't show you any unicorns so that you can
verify that what they are describing is true. You're
just supposed to take their word for it that the unicorn
they are describing is really enlightenment, because
they said it, and they're so special. (On the whole,
there is more agreement about what unicorns look
like than about what enlightenment looks like.)"

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