--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <yifuxero@> wrote:
> >
> > --you say, to paraphrase: (according to MMY, those are good words).
> > But "You can not get enlightened" are your words, not his.
> > He didn't often use the E word (if ever) in the context of a 
> > progression from CC -> BC -> UC; but he might have said something 
> > like:
> >    "You can reach Unity Consciousness". That being the case, MMY's 
> > teachings would conflict with your Neo-Advaitin nonsense.
> Who you calling a knuckle dragging Neo-Advaitin, Buster? Them's
> fighten' words. Peter is obviously Advaitin, there's not an ounce of
> Neo in him. Just to clarify the splitting of hairs, here's an
> excellent description of "Traditional Advaita versus Neo-Advaita:"
> http://tinyurl.com/c8b4yw 
> In support of Peter the Great:
> "The range of creative intelligence is from here to here." So
> obviously there's no place to "go". If I could "go", I'd hop a bus to
> "there". So "here" it is: the clown bus, the crazy passengers and the
> fun ride (knowledge, knower and the process of knowing) beautifully
> woven together as one. Innocently pull one tread in one amazing
> moment of "just be" and the mistake of intellect instantly unravels.
> MMY wasn't jiving us when he said the concept of a path is for the
> ignorant. So leave or stay on the bus, whatever, I'm just glad MMY
> provided [keys to the bus (TM) and] such a glorious map [SCI] to "just
> be" nowhere."
> raunchydog 
> post #203856
MMY spent 99% of his time talking about, aggressively marketing,
obsessing over, developing world govts to rule over, and trying to
black list anything that wasn't: HIS keys to the bus and HIS roadmap,
and 1% doing "from here to here" talk.  If you look at tmo culture,
how people in the tmo actually think and live, it's all keys and bus,
or to be more precise, Maharishi's Supreme Vedic Golden Keys and
Maharishi's Most Glorious Unified Global Enlightened Sat Yuga (with a
pure gold hemi-powered) Bus, please show your paid up in full
officially approved dome badge to get on.

MMY is worse than the Bible; you can support anything with "maharishi
says" talk.  I don't get picking out some phrases he might have said
in the 70s to disprove what he and the tmo obviously are today.

That a (shocking small) percentage of long term sidhas have had "from
here to here" advaita experiences doesn't prove anything about what
MMY really taught and nurtured in his followers.  Reality is from
"here to here", people in every spiritual movt and probably more not
in any movt have these natural advaita experiences, and so naturally
some MMY devotees have too.  But I'd say right now there are more
sidhas in ffld being blocked from that natural experience by the keys
that MMY/tmo have provided.


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