--- On Wed, 1/28/09, boo_lives <boo_li...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: boo_lives <boo_li...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: More definitions of enlightenment
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 12:27 PM
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"
> <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
> "yifuxero" <yifuxero@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --you say, to paraphrase: (according to MMY,
> those are good words).
> > > But "You can not get enlightened" are
> your words, not his.
> > > He didn't often use the E word (if ever) in
> the context of a 
> > > progression from CC -> BC -> UC; but he
> might have said something 
> > > like:
> > >    "You can reach Unity Consciousness".
> That being the case, MMY's 
> > > teachings would conflict with your Neo-Advaitin
> nonsense.
> > 
> > Who you calling a knuckle dragging Neo-Advaitin,
> Buster? Them's
> > fighten' words. Peter is obviously Advaitin,
> there's not an ounce of
> > Neo in him. Just to clarify the splitting of hairs,
> here's an
> > excellent description of "Traditional Advaita
> versus Neo-Advaita:"
> > http://tinyurl.com/c8b4yw 
> > 
> > In support of Peter the Great:
> > 
> > "The range of creative intelligence is from here
> to here." So
> > obviously there's no place to "go". If I
> could "go", I'd hop a bus to
> > "there". So "here" it is: the
> clown bus, the crazy passengers and the
> > fun ride (knowledge, knower and the process of
> knowing) beautifully
> > woven together as one. Innocently pull one tread in
> one amazing
> > moment of "just be" and the mistake of
> intellect instantly unravels.
> > MMY wasn't jiving us when he said the concept of a
> path is for the
> > ignorant. So leave or stay on the bus, whatever,
> I'm just glad MMY
> > provided [keys to the bus (TM) and] such a glorious
> map [SCI] to "just
> > be" nowhere."
> > 
> > raunchydog 
> > post #203856
> >
> MMY spent 99% of his time talking about, aggressively
> marketing,
> obsessing over, developing world govts to rule over, and
> trying to
> black list anything that wasn't: HIS keys to the bus
> and HIS roadmap,
> and 1% doing "from here to here" talk.  If you
> look at tmo culture,
> how people in the tmo actually think and live, it's all
> keys and bus,
> or to be more precise, Maharishi's Supreme Vedic Golden
> Keys and
> Maharishi's Most Glorious Unified Global Enlightened
> Sat Yuga (with a
> pure gold hemi-powered) Bus, please show your paid up in
> full
> officially approved dome badge to get on.
> MMY is worse than the Bible; you can support anything with
> "maharishi
> says" talk.  I don't get picking out some phrases
> he might have said
> in the 70s to disprove what he and the tmo obviously are
> today.
> That a (shocking small) percentage of long term sidhas have
> had "from
> here to here" advaita experiences doesn't prove
> anything about what
> MMY really taught and nurtured in his followers.  Reality
> is from
> "here to here", people in every spiritual movt
> and probably more not
> in any movt have these natural advaita experiences, and so
> naturally
> some MMY devotees have too.  But I'd say right now
> there are more
> sidhas in ffld being blocked from that natural experience
> by the keys
> that MMY/tmo have provided.

It is amazing that more people are not Realized in the TMO. One reason, as you 
imply, is that Maharishi was way too successful in creating a waking state 
model that explained enlightenment. People have become trapped in the model. 
How this happens I don't know. But about Maharishi, make no mistake about it, 
he was a profoundly realized being. All that other bullshit was there too. I 
won't deny that, but his Realization was huge. If you experienced him directly, 
I don't see how you could miss this infinity walking around in a human body 
with a pretty curious Indian businessman personality. Maharishi's presence 
functioned as a profound catalyst for altering the foundations of "my" 
consciousness. I don't think there ever was an encounter with him that didn't 
blast me into some profound state of altered consciousness. I'd be a fool to 
reduce my conceptual understanding of him to some sort of un-enlightened con 

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