On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 5:56 AM, cardemaister <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>wrote:

> In Finnish we say "Aika kultaa muistot." (Time guilds memories.)[1]
> Just checked that out, the corresponding English expression
> seems to be "Memories grow sweeter with time."
> My memories seem to grow more bitter and depressing.
> Almost everything I can recall from my past life
> during this incarnation (provided reincarnation is true...) seems to
> have some kind of negative emotional connotation.
I suspect the better English expression you seek is "time heals all

There is much power in Maharishi's saying that "what you place your
attention on will grow" and in Maharishi's term "mood making".

I have picked myself up from being testy, grumpy, angry and feeling robbed
in life to having people in shops, restaurants, wherever be attracted to me
because I radiate love, joy, bliss and optimism.  Life is exciting and
wonderful and it gets better each day.

What am I doing?  I am following Rhonda Byrne's advice to write down, in a
thankful and grateful mood 100 things that you are thankful and grateful for
each day.  I have found that the time I spend doing this each day has become
a more and more powerful drug to me.  I look forward to the time in which
I'll sit down to write.  And each day I'm filled with more and more bliss
and joy as I write.  Also, I'm noticing that more wonderful things happen in
my life and fewer and that there are fewer unhappy things.

The brain isn't just about sensations, motor and facts.  It's about
emotions.  We have state dependent learning, state dependent recall.  There
are states of intoxication but even more there is the state of happiness.
We can decide what we'll recall but even more than that we can decide what
new happy things will come to us to store away in memory.

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