--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" 
<reavisma...@...> wrote:
> Pal, that (below) is a racist statement, plain and simple.  It's 
> reprehensible and you are entirely wrong in the sentiment you 


Several months ago I made a statement here on this forum about Blacks 
having an advantage over other races on the basketball court.  I got 
several responses that the statement was racist (and also several 
that agreed with the statement).

Of course, I then revealed that it wasn't ME who actually said it but 
Barack Obama and I had made it seem as if I said it just to make a 
point.  I then provided a link to a video of him saying it.

Except for I-am-the-eternal using the word "all" as in "black guys 
and black women in the US all have to have their own cult names", I 
am at a loss as to why what he wrote is "racist".  Certainly, it is, 
at most, equally racist and, at least, much less racist than what 
Obama said about Blacks and basketball.

The observation about unique names in the Black Community is not and 
should not be a taboo subject.  Indeed, it was the subject of one of 
those newsmagazine shows (20/20? Primetime?  Dateline NBC?) a while 
back.  The premise of the show?  The naming phenomenon in the Black 
Community often creates huge problems for those kids when they grow 
up and try to get jobs.  In fact, it provides an opportunity for 
racists to practise their racism.

As a lawyer you know that there are laws against requiring someone to 
put a photograph on Resume's or identifying "race" when applying for 
a job.  Yet the "ghetto name" phenomenon is such that that is used as 
an identifying marker by potential employees NOT to hire blacks and 
to do it with impunity.

A white racist reading a resume submitted from a "Shaneequah 
Washington" can reject the application and not risk being accused of 

That I-am-the-eternal dares to broach this subject shows not only 
sensitivity on his part but I suggest genuine concern for African-




> **
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal <L.Shaddai@> 
> wrote:
> **snip
> > 
> > And I'm sure it's no coincidence that black guys and black women 
> the US
> > all have to have their own cult names.  So not only can you spot 
> someone on
> > the phone with the black variant of the southern accident, you 
> spot 'em
> > by their name as well.
> > 
> > If only black mothers gave as much consideration to how they will 
> rear a
> > child they've just spawned as they give to coming up with a 
> name for
> > the child.
> >

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