--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <yifux...@...> wrote:
> ---Yes, interesting!.  Once, (half in jest), somebody told Charlie 
> Lutes something about "transcending".  He replied with a 
> question: "Do you mean somebody physically dissolved into white 
> Light, disappearing from view?"  (to paraphrase).
>  The lesson:  the term "transcendence" usually applies to a very 
> limited state of Consciousness, not even addressing cellular DNA. 

I think it would refer to being beyond the three worlds (physical,
astral and causal) or beyond the koshas; anna maya kosha, prana maya
kosha, mano maya kosha, jnana maya kosha and ananda maya kosha. The
'food' (body) covering, the life force covering, the mind covering,
the intellect covering and the bliss covering (or sheath) respectively...

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