ruthsimplicity wrote:
> --- In, enlightened_dawn11
> <no_re...@...> wrote:
>> enlightenment is that state of consciousness in which a person no 
>> longer identifies with, and gets lost in, the objects of perception. 
> This sounds like the "I don't care anymore" definition of enlightenment. 
I usually ignore these threads because they really show how ignorant 
many people are on FFL about enlightenment.  The best model is just the 
simple models that Indian adhere too.  MMY complicated it to extract 
more money out of his followers.  Keep raising the carrot.  What we have 
he is a lot of anxiety over enlightenment.  Enlightenment is simply 
moksha but one can intellectually masturbate all over that subject.  As 
I've said many times one is on the road to enlightenment one once they 
no longer are anxious about it.  To dissect the state is not going to 
get anyone there any faster.

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