--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal <l.shad...@...>
> > On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:
> >
> > Give it up, L.  You don't like being called racist,
> > don't talk (or write) like one.
> I have a much better idea. I will make peace with Reavis 
> Marek, Esq. and Edward W. Duveyoung
> It's really amazing the material one can accumulate if one 
> does just a little bit of research on the Internet.
> I will set up a public website that they can use just in 
> case they forget an important event in their life. I'll 
> put up their entire credit histories, bankruptcies, patents, 
> drivers license numbers, driving records and geneologies, 
> all their former school, all of their former addresses. 
> And I'll do it for them entirely without any cost to them.
> Just out of gratitude for their calling me a racist multiple 
> times and not getting the clue that I'd appreciate it if 
> they'd retract the statements.
> Friendship and gratitude. That's where it's at these days.

Dude. Chill the fuck out. 

Take a chill pill. Go away for a while, and come 
back when you've gotten it together, eh? You're 
a funny guy at times, and I like your honesty 
about the IA stupidity, but man, when you choose 
to act like a dick, you *really* act like a dick.

You have gone almost three months here without
getting seriously crazy, and now you go and 
pull this shit. Great commercial for IA. Not.

Hint: people who live in glass houses should 
really think twice before throwing stones.

What would happen, for example, if someone did
to you the same thing you're threatening to do?
What if they found quotes like the following on 
the Net, and suggested that it might have been 
you who made them? You wouldn't like it much, 
would you?

Well, that's what dealing with you feels like.

> "Don't bother calling me a racist. I proclaim that I am one. Now 
> what are you going to do about it? Call me on it? I am proud to 
> proclaim that I am one. Do you think calling me one discredits 
> anything else I write in this snake pit? It certainly doesn't 
> shame me to call me what I freely admit to being. Proudly admit 
> to being."
> "I am very sorry for the suffering and loss the people of NOLA
> suffered, even though my politics are straight out of the Aryan
> Nation."
> "But I am heartened by the levies not
> holding and the pumps failing. If only another hurricane would hit
> the New Orleans area while it's devastated, it would be an attempt 
> to purge the evil of the New Orleans area which holds the moral
> and spiritual nature of One Nation Under God down. Tue French 
> Quarter must be completely destroyed by the forces of Nature if 
> this nation is to survive. The surrounding areas must also be 
> destroyed."
> "Where I grew up both Christians and Jews also used jew as a
> verb. Whenever someone struck a deal, people asked them how much 
> they "jewed" the seller down."
> "But the truth is the money that comes from America and goes into MTO
> coffers comes from Jews. Jew are the primary donators to the US TMO.
> Thew thriving sidha business which made and lost millions were owned
> by jews. Where does bigotry fit into this equaltion? It is bigotry
> to observe that jews view money and its uses and growth in a much
> different way than meditating non-jews?"
> "I will feel compassion and love for everybody when I feel it. And
> not before."

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