Since Billy brought up this issue, and because it's
another rainy cafe day here in Sitges, I thought I'd
spend a few minutes rappin' about attraction, but
from a somewhat different perspective.

The Rama guy I studied with (whatever one might think
of him) had a fascination with and a knowledge of the
occult side of life. That is, the study of energy and
how it can be "moved around" to affect consciousness
and people's perceptions. So one of the things we 
talked about a lot was what's actually *going on*
when we find another person attractive.

Sometimes it's innocent, and we're just fascinated by
something that we see in another person's aura (even
if we can't consciously see auras, in his view that's
what we're always seeing). But other times the thing
that we find ourselves being attracted to is the
other person "pushing it out," energetically.

Call it shakti, call it kundalini, call it charisma,
it's a science of sorts. If you know how to do it,
you can "push it out" and capture the attention of
others *no matter what you look like*. It's almost
a form of "energy cosmetics" or "shakti-based 
push-up bras." :-)

He would demonstrate "pushing it out" for us, and show
us examples of it in other students, so that we could
use our "seeing" to try to identify the "energy sig-
anture" associated with it.

One of the first experiences I had after hearing some
of these talks and seeing these "demos" that validated 
them in my mind was in L.A. I was early for a movie in 
Westwood, and chose to go to a little food stand there 
while waiting. It was *not* a classy place, more of a 
hamburger stand, with formica tables and not much 
ambiance. And as I was sitting there, I found my 
attention being drawn over and over to a woman who 
was sitting across the room.

She had her back to me, and so all I could really
see was her hair. But for some reason I just could
not keep my eyes off of her. She was dressed casually
as far as I could tell from the back, wearing jeans
and a nondescript blouse. And there was really no
"body language" to explain why I found my attention
going to her over and over, because she was just sit-
ting there talking quietly with her companion. So I
was a little puzzled as to why I couldn't keep my
eyes off of her. 

Then finally she stood up and turned around and I
understood why. It was Lesley Ann Warren. She had
recently been nominated for an Oscar for her work
as a bimbo in "Victor Victoria." But "dressed down"
as she was, and wearing sunglasses, my bet is that
I was the only person in the cafe other than her
companion who recognized her *as* Lesley Ann Warren.

Nevertheless, when she stood up and walked to the
door, *every eye in the cafe* was following her.
Male and female. 

Why? She was "pushing it out." Her "charisma" was
a factor of moving her own kundalini in ways that
caused it to radiate outwards, and create an energy
field that others found attractive, and that captured
their attention. 

After that I started paying more attention when I 
ran into people who seemed to have "charisma" or be
able to "capture attention," and subjectively I found
that I always "saw" the same energy signature. The
woman or man who walked into a party and caused every
head in the room to turn and look at them -- pushing
it out. The woman walking along the Venice boardwalk
who in reality was no more attractive than any other
woman, or dressed more suggestively, but whom *every*
person turned and watched until she was out of sight
-- pushing it out. Once you've "nailed" the energy
signature, you can spot it a mile away. 

For Billy, I might suggest that if having one's atten-
tion captured by women is *not* one of your goals in
life, learning to tell when one of them is "pushing
it out" is a great way to recognize the energy sig-
nature when you run into it, and not fall for it to
the point of resenting the woman for it and writing
afterwards about what a lowlife she probably is. :-)

For others here, another reason I bring this up is 
that some *spiritual teachers* use this same energy 
signature and the occult ability to "push it out" to 
attract students. Many seekers in the audiences, not 
aware of what is going on on an energetic or occult 
level, interpret this ability to "push it out" as 
enlightenment, when in fact it might not be. Again,
learning to recognize the energy signature can help
to tell the mere occultists from the teachers who
might actually have something real going for them.

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