i stand corrected wrt your views on this one, though you as curtis 
make the blithe statement that the Mahairshi lied about so many 
things. same challenge to you-- come up with five of them that can 
be proved. 

about the rumors, who cares about rumors? not me, but others here 
use them as a lynchpin for aspects of their identity. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
> <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > i am curious why some of those here, like Vaj, and Curtis and 
> > geezerfreak and Barry feel it is so important to cling 
> > deperately to the possibility that the Maharishi was a liar 
> > in terms of his sex life?
> I am curious why you are trying to include me
> in the group of people you named and portray me 
> as "clinging desperately" to the idea that MMY
> had a sex life. I defy you to find even one
> post on this forum in which I said that I knew
> the truth about this issue for sure. I defy you 
> to find one in which I even said that I cared 
> about it very much. 
> Me, I don't know. I find the statements in the
> Sexy Sadie files 1) completely credible, and
> 2) completely in line with my perceptions of
> the man during my occasional "face time" with
> him. He had ZERO ability to self-examine and
> analyze his own actions in terms of approp-
> riateness, and he spent a lifetime hiding 
> things from his students and the world at 
> large. So I am *very* open to the *possibility*
> that he had a secret sex life. But I don't know.
> Or much care. The man was a proven liar in so
> many other ways that the question of whether he
> was one with regard to being a lifelong celibate
> doesn't really interest me much. 
> But I do find it interesting, since YOU were one
> of the first on this forum to leap into the fray
> and "pounce" on someone's suggestion that the
> stories about him having sex were a hoax (a sug-
> gestion that itself turned out to be a good-
> natured hoax), I'm wondering why you're attempt-
> ing now to paint US as the ones who are "attached"
> to the issue. 
> My only contribution to the thread was to point 
> out YOUR "piling on" to the hoax post and 
> attempting to use it to demonize those who 
> believe the Maharishi sex stories NOT to be
> a hoax. And, interestingly, rather than address
> that, you've renewed your attempts to portray
> anyone who finds these stories credible as
> having something wrong with them. 
> Me, I don't care whether he was a celibate or
> whether he fucked the entire cheerleading squads
> of both teams on the field during halftime at
> the Super Bowl. Compared to some of the *other*
> things he did that were patently illegal or
> not in the interest of his students, that would
> be "small potatoes" to me. 
> But it seems that you care *very much* about
> whether these rumors are true. Every time they
> come up, you go out of your was to demonize
> those who feel they have some credibility. 
> Why do you think that is?

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