--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
<no_re...@...> wrote:
> i stand corrected wrt your views on this one, though you as curtis 
> make the blithe statement that the Mahairshi lied about so many 
> things. same challenge to you-- come up with five of them that can 
> be proved. 

Well, I'm not sure I can come up with five without
going back and looking up posts here to jog my 
memory (which I am too busy right now to do) but
one that leaps to mind was promising to pay the
"recertified" TM teachers a monthly salary for
life once they gave up their careers and went 
full-time. Yeah, that happened. :-)

I saw him once in Switzerland being asked about 
the money smuggling. He denied all knowledge of it,
which somewhat shocked the Regional Coordinator
sitting beside me, because he had been asked by
Maharishi personally to do this many times, and
had done it.

Dare I mention "Enlightenment in 5-7 years?" :-)

Once in Switzerland I watched him ream out a 
German blissnazi for not doing something that he
had told him to do. The poor fellow was such a 
TB that he burst into tears and ran from the room.
After he was gone, because I was sitting close as
a result of being a State Coordinator, I heard
Jerry go up and tell Maharishi that, in fact, he
had given that instruction to a completely dif-
ferent set of course leaders, and never to that
German guy. Maharishi laughed and said, "Well,
he must have felt guilty about *something*," 
and chuckled for several minutes over it. Not
technically a lie, just poor memory and the
inability to actually care about his students,
but as I said I'm winging this.

How about the promise to TM Teachers that they
were accumulating "ATR credit," and then taking
it all away?

What of the numerous "fundraising drives" to get
local TMers to contribute to buying a property
that would definitely be used as a TM center for
their town, and then turning around and selling
the property off for a profit, leaving the town
with no TM center and the contributors with
empty pockets?

That's five, and about all the time I wish to
spend on this exercise. I'm sure others here
could contribute a few more. If you had had more
"face time" with Maharishi -- or any -- I'm sure
that you could come up with five or more of your

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