OK, I got it.  Maharishi told us that the eight limbs of Yoga are really the
legs of a table.  Pull one, you pull the whole table and the other limbs go
with the table.

But what about prosperity?  I remember the wry jokes about an initiator
having a $100 suit and a $100 car.  OK, cool.  It was all happening so very
fast.  It was something you could overlook, despite it seeming a little
strange that 200% of life didn't include the ability to purchase dinner when
the gang went out or gasoline to drive home afterwards.

What /does/ one say about a seeker who can't stay in business but is very
excited about their spiritual seeking and are even happy to share it with
you?  If the person comes up with a story that sounds like the world of
commerce is stacked against them, which is why they need to start a new
business every month, are we to overlook that and just pay attention to
their newest spiritual find?  Myself, I've seen prosperity as part and
parcel of my spiritual seeking.  More prosperity, more wealth, more
integration with pure consciousness.  Though I scoff at the campaign of IA
to get people to come, if even for the week end, so they can prosper when
they return home, I can definitely say that it works for me.  But maybe I'm
looking where I shouldn't.  Potential inconsistencies should only be
observed in me and not in others.

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