Mr. Mullens should move to Brazil where atheists, liberals, and 
homosexuals flourish...and where many U.S. postal workers go to 

I understand that Brazil has figured out a way to power all their 
vehicles from the backwash and spittle found in discarded Coca-Cola 
and Sprite bottles.  This has gone a long way towards diminishing 
their dependency on foreign oil.

All I know is that there must be a lot of colorful plants in Brazil 
because whenever I see video clips of Carnival all the ladies cover 
their privates with these lavishly colored feathers.

Did you know that they speak Portugese in Brazil?  Apparently 
Portugese is just like Spanish; all you do is fill your mouth with 
marbles and then prattle on in Spanish and -- Voila! -- you're 
speaking Portugese.

--- In, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> Mr. Mullens, the teacher in question, has resigned. It isn't clear
> from the news story whether he will be pursuing any legal remedies
> against the school district. The Superintendent, Lana Comeaux,
> mentioned in his statement cited below, also resigned under 
> circumstances last November shortly after the conversation described
> by Mr. Mullens occurred.
> ==
> Apparently, many of the school board members and the people who
> complained about Mr. Mullens and Ms. Comeaux all belong to the same
> Baptist church whose pastor has been hired to replace Mr. Mullens 
> teach his classes.
> The administration of Brookeland High School made attempts to urge
> students to sign a list of alleged chargers against Mr. Mullens of
> which over 100 students out of 103 refused to sign.
> The students attempted to present to the Board of education a
> petition in support of Mr. Mullens and refuting any charges of
> inappropriate language made against him.
> The Principal of Brookeland High School, not only refused to take
> this petition to the board but forbade the students from such
> actions. Mr. Mullins is being railroaded by a School board of which
> all of those who support his removal are members of the same
> church. A church who's pastor has openly called for there to be
> only Christian teachers in the Brookeland school district.
> ==
> The following is a statement of events from Mr. Mullens, some names
> and details were redacted:
> I, Richard Mullens, have been a teacher in the state of Texas since
> 1971. I have never received a negative comment, complaint, or write-
> during this period of time. On the contrary, I have received
> recognition for my teaching and the test scores of my students. No
> matter what district I've taught in, my students have always 
> in the state mandated tests.
> I currently teach in Brookeland, TX, a small rural district about 16
> miles north of Jasper, TX. I've taught at Brookeland for the past 6
> years. I've been in my current position as US history, government, 
> economics teacher for 3 years. [...]
> On November 7th, at a basketball game that was supposed to be our
> homecoming scrimmage, I sat at the scores table as a coach with Lana
> Comeaux, the superintendent. ...
> Lana Comeaux at that time told me she was under pressure from the
> school board and they were looking for her to resign. She said that 
> name was also on the list of people that the board wanted to resign 
> fire. I asked why, and she said that a school board member had
> expressed to her that he believed I was an atheist and a liberal. 
> asked me if I was an atheist and I refused to answer the question. I
> said, "I won't play this game. I didn't know you had to take a
> religious test to be a teacher in the state of Texas."
> Nothing was said after that point, although there was a lot of 
> among the other coaches about whether they would be able to keep 
> jobs or not, because she also told them that many of them were on 
> list.
> Then on January 7th, a student in my classroom in second period left
> my class, went to the Principal's office, and told him that there 
> an inappropriate discussion in my classroom. I was informed by the
> principal, Richard Turner, that I needed to talk to her mother 
> she was very upset. Her mother came to class on January 7th, came to
> the school January 7th, very upset. She made some threats to me in 
> hallway.
> And then on January 8th, Mr. Turner informed me that I needed to 
> the parent, Mrs. Lowe. On January 9th, I had Vicki Smith, the school
> secretary, call "REDACTED" on my behalf to arrange a conference at
> 10:35 Monday, January 12th. Monday the 12th, I met with REDACTED and
> School Principal Richard Turner in his office. 
> REDACTED was very angry. She accused me of being an atheist, saying 
> was too liberal, and that I allowed the students to talk about
> inappropriate things in the classroom. I told her that occasionally
> students would get on topics and say things, but I was unable to
> censor them before they were able to say them.
> She said that I called her daughter a name and I denied the
> accusation. But then she said that I didn't believe in god and
> shouldn't be teaching. She also said that she had spoken to 3 other
> board members who agreed with her that I shouldn't be teaching 
> I was too liberal and I was an atheist.
> On January 15th, there was a board meeting. Nothing was on the 
> concerning me. During the open forum, several audience members spoke
> to their concerns that I was an atheist and I was too liberal.
> On January 16th, I was called to Mr. Richard Turner's office (my
> principal), and he informed me that I had been put on administrative
> leave with pay. The reasons, as stated to me by Mr. Turner at the
> time, were that I was accused of being an atheist and teaching 
> in the classroom, and I was too liberal. \
> On January 23rd, Mr. Turner and members of the board met behind 
> doors concerning my suspension and allegations that were directed at
> me. On January 24th, I received a certified letter from Mr. Turner
> that stated that the causes for my suspension apparently had been
> changed to inappropriate contact with students and comments. He
> admonished me in the letter for having contact with students who had
> text-messaged me during my first week of suspension, but I had not
> received any administrative directive, or anything in writing, prior
> to that time telling me I could not have contact with students.
> On January 26th, I called my lawyer REDACTED, with ATTE, and 
> him of my situation that I was put on administrative leave with pay,
> pending an investigation.
> I later had conversations with parents and a person who lives in the
> community, who informed me that the principal had met with the
> minister of the local church and had discussed my suspension with 
> I also later received information from REDACTED,a "SCHOOL
> EMPLOYEE-POSITION REDACTED", that the minister was now subbing at 
> school and that he had heard that he would be taking my position, or
> if I returned he would be co-teaching with me.
> There have been a number of rumors in our community now concerning
> inappropriate behavior: high school girls coming to my class to
> supposedly smoke marijuana, all kinds of accusations made by the
> members of the missionary baptist church at which this minister is 
> preacher. In the January 24th letter from Mr. Richard Turner, my
> principal, I was also informed that my suspension had been extended
> indefinitely.
> Sincerely,
> Richard Mullens
> Links and more here: 

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