And bigot Shemp accuses other posters on this group of being racist?

shempmcgurk wrote:
> Mr. Mullens should move to Brazil where atheists, liberals, and 
> homosexuals flourish...and where many U.S. postal workers go to 
> retire.
> I understand that Brazil has figured out a way to power all their 
> vehicles from the backwash and spittle found in discarded Coca-Cola 
> and Sprite bottles.  This has gone a long way towards diminishing 
> their dependency on foreign oil.
> All I know is that there must be a lot of colorful plants in Brazil 
> because whenever I see video clips of Carnival all the ladies cover 
> their privates with these lavishly colored feathers.
> Did you know that they speak Portugese in Brazil?  Apparently 
> Portugese is just like Spanish; all you do is fill your mouth with 
> marbles and then prattle on in Spanish and -- Voila! -- you're 
> speaking Portugese.

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