--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <yifux...@...> wrote:
> ---Very true Nab!  Another reason is that in the Dzogzen teachings 
> Vaj's Guru, Norbu Rinpoche, (as well as in Mahayana Buddhism as a 
> whole); there's no ideological distinction between the Void and 
> relative existence in the same way as in the "Brahman" concept 
> two aspects of Brahman, relative and Absolute).  
>   This pov carries over into the techniques of Buddhism and the 
> outlook.  In Mindfulness, (you can see this in what Vaj is saying); 
> there's supposedly no blank TC or emptiness "separate" from 
> experience; but rather - from the very beginning! - a perfect 
> of sensory experience and the Void.
>  Also, Vaj fancies himself in the Garab Dorje lineage, in which 
> there's a "direct transmission" of teachings but no intermediate 
> of Shakti used as a carrier for the immediate Realization.
>  Such Vajian ideologies are fine in theory but break down in 
> The mindfulness Buddhists may wind up have "no experience" at all - 
> just a blank mind.
>  Then, Vaj (in referring to the initial separateness of TC - that's 
> experienced in early experience) claims that the dualistic type of 
> transcendence is "disassociation".

>   Clearly, Vaj is trying to compensate for the mediocre results of 
> his Garab Dorje/Norbu program by making false and twisted claims 
> about the programs which really do work. 

Very true.
Vaj is just a fanatic "Buddhist" fundamentalist.

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