--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I mean, this is a 63-year-old man promoting a 
> concert that features an almost 67-year-old 
> singer and an almost 69-year-old drummer. And
> the people getting all excited about it are in
> the same age range.

Well, we don't exactly have a large contingent
of younger sprouts on this forum, do we? Could
that be why the folks here who are getting all
excited are in the same age range, because there
aren't any in any *other* age range?

> It's almost as if they were "looking backwards"
> to the "glory days" of the TM movement, and 
> hoping that by "reviving" those glory days, and
> using the *same* performers to do it, they can
> revive their *own* glory. 

Given that the Beatles had their own glory days
quite independently of the TM movement, seems to
me there's no good reason to assume TMers are
looking back to the TMO's Beatles-dependent glory
days rather than to those of the Beatles themselves
(which were significantly more glorious than the
TMO's by most measures anyway).

If the concert helps the TMO attract new meditators,
great, but for many if not most, it'll have its own

> As for the *audience* for this concert, I have to 
> be equally cynical in thinking there aren't going
> to be a lot of young people there.

I'd guess nobody much cares about that. What's 
important is the publicity and the box office, which
will, presumably, enhance the TMO's and Lynch's
subsequent outreach efforts. I doubt anybody's
expecting thousands of young people to attend the
concert and be inspired by it to join up afterward.

 Instead, it's
> going to be a bunch of old folks reliving the glory
> days of their youths by watching people as old as
> they are dance around up on stage. That's cool and
> all, but if I were into that I'd be trying to score
> tickets to the upcoming Grateful Dead tour, not a 
> concert featuring two of the Fab Four.

In other words, Barry thinks the Grateful Dead are
better than the Beatles were.

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