--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > 
> > This post has some interesting insight. I think Judy's 
> > description of her own motives seem accurate.  
> For the record, Curtis, I do not.

I really can't argue with your POV in this context, although it goes
farther than I would in ascribing sinister motives.  I went back and
actually read the posts in question. (What a concept!) I was jumping
in with a meta-position of my own invention with no connection to the
posts. Anyone who wants to declare "bullshit" on my POV definitely
have a case!

The way this place works for me best is to keep pretty tight blinders
on when I focus on each person.  I am choosing what aspect to relate
to.  Trying to sell this POV to anyone else is probably misguided.  

Who the F do I think I am giving advice to two other adults about
their communications with each other?  Especially not having read the
posts they were responding to?

I'll focus on that charming part of myself a bit as the gift of this
whole exchange!  

> If what she really wanted was to provide a 
> more "positive interpretation that's at least 
> somewhat plausible," that would be one thing.
> But that is NOT what she limits herself to
> doing. She has a long history of attempting 
> to demonize and destroy the reputations of 
> the people who provided the "less positive 
> view."
> Several here do not. I try to never give them 
> any shit when they provide a more positive spin
> on things TM or TMO *when they limit themselves
> to doing that*. But when they feel the need to
> *follow* their "positive interpretation" with
> comments such as the one Judy "finished up"
> her post with about how Vaj has no scruples or 
> honesty, *in a conversation with someone who 
> was not even Vaj*, I'm sorry but there is no 
> need for that *except* vindictiveness and spite.
> That's over the line. My contention is that 
> that vindictiveness and spite is what Judy is 
> really interested in presenting, NOT the "more 
> positive interpretation." The "more positive 
> interpretation" is merely a smokescreen, a 
> prelude, a pretext so that she can let loose 
> with the personal invective against the person 
> who presented the "more negative interpretation."
> To balance this, Vaj sometimes does the same thing.
> But for her to claim that she does what she does
> on this forum out of a sense of *caring* for the
> poor TMers being "misled" by "dishonest" people 
> like Vaj is laughable -- bullshit so deep one 
> needs hip boots to wade through it.
> I don't think that there is a single person on 
> this forum -- *yourself included* -- who believes 
> that. The history of Judy's personal invective 
> and personal abuse of others -- *including fellow 
> TMers* -- is just too long and too established 
> for you to actually buy the line of crap she was 
> spouting in this P.R. post to boo_lives.
> I'm pretty sure *he* didn't buy it, and I don't
> think you did, either. You were just trying, as 
> you often do, to provide some balance and some 
> mediation here. And good on you for that. 
> But the bottom line is the bottom line, for *both* 
> Judy and Vaj. 
> In this exchange, as I see it, *all that Vaj did* 
> originally was to post an *opinion* by the Dalai 
> Lama. Dawn (and you know as well as I do who that 
> really is) replied stupidly, trying to push Vaj's 
> buttons. He succeeded only in that Vaj suggested in 
> reply, before addressing ED's claims specifically, 
> that he...uh...she had a "skewed sense of reality." 
> Given that we are talking about a man posing here
> as a woman, I somehow think that you might not 
> disagree with that assessment. :-)
> Enter Judy, claws bared, defending the man posing
> as a woman because he's a **TM** man posing as a
> woman.
> First she called Vaj a snob. Then she "played editor"
> and corrected him in a putdown way on a typo. Next 
> she suggested that he implied that Maharishi lusted 
> after young boys and not just young girls, which Vaj 
> never did. She then mocked his use of the word "palace" 
> to describe Vlodrop (which *she has never seen*), 
> calling it instead a "monastery." I presume that is 
> the "providing a more positive interpretation" thang 
> she talked about in her P.R. speech to boo_lives. :-)
> Curtis, go back and *read the actual posts*. Then reread
> your sentence above, "I think Judy's description of her 
> own motives seem accurate."
> Do you really believe that, or were you just taken out
> by Judy's backpedaling, smarmy, self-congratulatory 
> "explanation" of her motives that she tried to pull on
> someone else she was trying to wrap and get him to see 
> her the way that she sees herself?
> I understand to some extent what you were trying to do,
> but don't be taken in by this bullshit, Curtis. Judy's
> behavior in this exchange speaks for itself, as does 
> Vaj's. 
> When Vaj spends more time in a post "going for the 
> throat" and putting down the people he's talking to
> *personally*, as opposed to challenging their ideas,
> bust him on it. 
> But when Judy does the same thing, bust her, too.
> My contention is that even given Vaj's overexuberance
> in terms of "pushing TB buttons" on this forum, he 
> does not have the history of mean-spirited, hateful 
> personal attacks that Judy does. He is *perceived* 
> that way by people who have their emotional buttons 
> pushed by him presenting views of spirituality that 
> conflict with their long-held and rarely-challenged 
> beliefs. They IMO *cannot tell the difference* 
> between those emotional buttons being pushed and
> actually being attacked. 
> But Judy's history in terms of personally attacking
> others was already well-established LONG BEFORE 
> Vaj ever entered her life.
> Vaj, after all, does not have an entire website devoted
> to describing him as the "junkyard dog." Judy does. 
> There is a reason for this.
> I think they're *both* crazy as loons for being such
> prosyletutes and trying to convince others to believe
> the things that they believe. But there's overexuberent
> prosyletute crazy, and then there is over-the-top, 
> would-be-sued-for-libel-if-this-were-a-newspaper, 
> hate-driven prosyletute crazy. I'm sorry, but the 
> latter does not describe Vaj, and it does describe 
> Judy.

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